Arrragh help!

HELP! I live in the Isle of Man (British Isles) and have recently discovered the wonders of unicycling though i do not have a unicycle and will need one if i want to learn. It needs to be relativly cheap and definatly for a beginner. Any recomedations? Im completly lost…

Lol, I nearly choked on my coffee.

Yeah, LIDL or try UDC-UK for some better ones, or even E-bay.

there isnt a lidl where i live, onli a tesco = P
If i do get one it will have to be online, also should i get a 16’‘, 18’‘, or a 20’’ wheel if im wanting to do street riding.

I know the Isle of Man isn’t the UK, but it’s not far away. Try . They have an excellent website, and I have consistently found that they are friendly and give good service. I’ve had about half a dozen unicycles from them and no end of components and spares.

Unless you are very small, there is no sense in getting anything smaller than a 20" wheel. 20" is widely regarded as the standard beginner’s size, although some people argue in favour of the 24".

A 20" can be suitable for trials, freestyle and general riding - I once did 20 miles on one in a day.

If you really take to the sport, you may want to get a larger one (e.g. a 24" Muni) later. There must be some fantastic riding available on the IoM. Work up to a Coker and do the Mountain on Mad Sunday… :astonished:

Thanks mike, i think i’ll get a 20’’ wheel then = D
In douglas there is quite a lot of good places to ride so i’ll mainly be there.
Though the mountain on Mad Sunday may be a bit too much with bikes rushing past you at 180mph = P
Much appreciated, thanks = ]

Good unicycle?

Ok so ive been looking around and have found a Club Freestyle Unicycle - bearing in mind that ive never been on a uni before and that when (if) i get good i dont want to have to change uni - is it a good unicycle?

oh, it costs about £90 too, inc shipping
Please advise, thanks.

Same question I had here.

no thats not the same one = /
oh well, it doesnt matter, i’ll just get the one i mean = ]
from reviews ive heard its good for a beginner and can be used for moderate freestyle, which is what i want to work up to. Hopefully = P
thanks everyone for the advice
Here’s a fair starting point.

That is different from a stair farting point, which is a particularly sticky trials move.


i like it = D


its way too much :frowning:
it reli needs to be under £100 inc shipping
so, so far its the Club Freestyle Uni for £90
any other options?

I recon it’d be worth coughing up the extra and getting the Nimbus 2. If you get the Club, and stick to unicycling, you could do with a better hub & crankset sometime. With that comes a wheel build too, so it’d be cheaper to get the Nimbus 2 rather than the Club + new hub + new cranks.

= /

yeah but how long would it take me before i start moving onto grinds and stuff where your hub and cranks will need upgrading = /
though the club does come with plastic pedals which i’ll change to metal otherwise they’ll be wreaked in seconds = P

Dunno, it’ll vary person to person. Cotterless cranks will be ok for learning and riding about, but anything more and you could do with better.

Speaking only for myself, after 22 years of riding, I still haven’t progressed to grinds and stuff. Wheels are round for a reason.:wink:

= p

woops = P so what can you do, i mean 22 years of riding is a pretty long time i’m aiming for a few tricks after like 2 or 3 years really = P