Are you straight?

What do you believe about being a breeder??

I think that it’s un-moral, disgusting and not natural. Heteros are so worthless that they don’t deserve to live on this world. They should realize that marriage is between a man and a man or a woman and a woman and ONLY between a man and a man or a woman and a woman.

Grow up people. Stop acting so cocky and stuck-up.
Love is love no matter what.
People are people no matter what.

All of you gay bashers are giving your orientation a bad name.
Are you straight or just narrow?


Love ya, Jackie!! :smiley:

Jackie I love you! +10000000000000000000000000000000000 more people should think like you.

I Love You Jackie!!! +10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


I’m straight :smiley: yay.
Your guys loss i guess. But I dont mind.

Oops :stuck_out_tongue:
guess i got a little too excited… not really my internet just sucks :smiley:

I am when I feel like it (nice J, glad youre feelin betta)

Typically men and women are held to different standards during their upbringing, they often have different interests and values, and documented differences in the brains structure.
You simply can’t expect a heterosexual couple to maintain a stable relationship.

It’s so true.
Women (or men for you ladies out there) will come and go but friends are for life, and they’re usually of your gender.

The moral: Marry your best friend.

That is awesome. Way to tell them! :slight_smile:



I love you Jackie!!! +10000000000000000000000000000000000000000

mad props jackie, im pretty sure im streight… but my physical thearapist keeps saying my back isnt… so i dunno

+1 love

Whew, I thought that was going somewhere else haha.

I was about to suggest reporting your physical therapist for sexual harassment.

that would be sketchy!

Just because you’re straight doesn’t mean you have to be a breeder. Gays can breed also.

I’m straight.

Yay a non anti gay thread!

Thank you. That’s all I can say.