Hear, hear!
Me neither.
I look quite serious.
Anyone would think I was a high-powered lawyer thinking about an important case.
Looking silly? Not possible
ofcourse not lol
And the hat adds so much more gravitas to your appearance than those powdered wigs the barristers wear.
so many silly people
except for maybe wee drinking… is that silly or stupid? I wonder if silly is defined over whether or not a clown would do it?
i just tried, and succeded in openeing a door with my head, it was latched shut too. now my head hurts
I vote stupid on this one.
:), my cat uses its head for opening doors.
another thing to try is making a drink without using your elbow joints, just having floppy arms.
Or trying to wash the dishes up without any thumbs…
there is a +1
How about trying to balance in top of a beer barel, on a hill. It is almost imposible, and hurts when you run your self over with it. Still fun though:D
Silly breeds silly.
So yesterday, Ben mowed the back yard like he was supposed to. With plans to go somewhere and not wanting to waste any time, he wore his good sneakers. Of all things to happen in our back yard, Ben got dog doo-doo all over his shoes. So, again not wanting to waste any time, he went to Wall-Mart in his socks, walked in, bought a pair of flip-flops, walked outside the store, put them on and went on his way.
Social conventions are made to be broken.
Silly has no place here.
and you wonder why the girls dig me…
Yeah. I’ll have to re-stock those flip flops.
Was George Carlin silly?
Not when compared to Carrot Top.
I’ll have to get some video of me being silly, I think the next few weeks may be good for that! This years theme at the camp I’m working at is PIRATES! ARRRRR!!!
of course i´m silly. somewhere is every person a bit silly, i think^^
and i think, i´m sillier, than the normal people, i´m writing silly, i´m talking silly and i´m doing silly things -> i am silly