Are you sex positive?

And if you don’t understand me still, here’s a situation that demonstrates what I’m talking about.

My friend is a queer girl and she married a guy. She married him cause she loves him.
She even asked me a while ago if he’s cute (which he is) cause she ‘really wanted to know’, haha.
She loves him for him, not his looks, which is whatlove is about.


I has a corm!

Nom nom nom.

you mean corn?

nom nom nom nom nom!!

Corm has a flavr.

How’s the sex? Does she get her queer girls on the side?

Does he turn her on? Does she fake it good because she loves him? Can she do that the rest of her life?

What does that have to do sex-positive attitudes? You want an answer, start a new thread.

Ouch. That actually hurt.

Statistically, it has a huge factor. In my experience, I would not even consider men for falling in that kind of love with. It’s not even on my mind when I meet a man, whereas meeting a woman is quite different… then again, that’s only for women of certain ages or physical appearance.


[B]Are you sex positive?

[/B]I’m positive that I like Women! (age preference 25-35. Fit & wealthy!) :smiley:

Sorry, you can only pick two.

Ok. I’ll take these two for starters! :sunglasses:


vagina+vagina=penis. Sorry Terry, you did this to yourself.

Well, I’ve never asked her about sex but if I was crushing on a girl, I’d say:


Hmm, sounds like “fuzzy” math to me! V+V always equals two v’s! Double your pleasure, double your fun! :slight_smile:


Its just a rule.

hahaha, is that an '00 debate reference Terry?

Haha, I play by my own rules! :sunglasses:

Lol, yeah that’s right! Very astute of you! :slight_smile:

Here’s some highlights of the '04 debates (I liked them so much more).


That second chicks boobs don’t look real at all.