Are you sex positive?

Wiki:The sex-positive movement does not in general make moral or ethical distinctions between heterosexual or homosexual sex, or indeed masturbation for people who are otherwise celibate, regarding these choices as matters of personal preference. Some sex-positive positions include acceptance of BDSM, asexuality, polyamory, transsexuality, transgenderism, and other forms of gender transgression in general.
Most elements of the sex-positive movement advocate comprehensive and accurate sex education as part of its campaign.
One definition of sex-positivity, from:
Sex-positive, a term that’s coming into cultural awareness, isn’t a dippy love-child celebration of orgone – it’s a simple yet radical affirmation that we each grow our own passions on a different medium, that instead of having two or three or even half a dozen sexual orientations, we should be thinking in terms of millions. “Sex-positive” respects each of our unique sexual profiles, even as we acknowledge that some of us have been damaged by a culture that tries to eradicate sexual difference and possibility.[1]

No, we should castrate or tie everybody… it’d be a much better solution than plain acceptance. :roll_eyes:

(I can hear the criticisms now… “just think of the children”)

Well masturbation is cool, I’d imagine sex is too.

I suppose I’m sex-positive.

If I was single again, I’d date anyone who I liked (and liked me back) regardless of gender.
I’ve decided that the whole gay/straight thing is stupid.
I might think girls aren’t so attractive but if I fall in love with a girl, that’s that.

So sexual preference is a choice?

I have never been sexually aroused.

Too much unicycling I guess.

Weird…unicycling makes me sexually aroused.

I’m not saying that. I was born liking guys. But your sexual preference only tells you who you think is hot.
Not you love.

If I was single again, I might date a girl if I liked her.
I might not be sexually attracted to her but I’d like her.

You’re really doing damage to your cause here. It’s not about who you think is hot it’s about who you are attracted to emotionally and physically. But most people are not fully gay or fully straight. Most people are either mostly gay, or mostly straight.

Just as a man who prefer blondes doesn’t always date blondes or might end up marrying someone who isn’t blonde, some men prefer men.

I don’t quite understand this. If you just like her, why not be friends with her? Why do you have to ‘date’ her, as that implies some sort of physical attraction? Your vocabulary is puzzling.

I can not imagine making moral or ethical judgments about the sexual preferences and activities of consenting adults.

Is it the KH seat??

How about aesthetic judgements?

PS: Raphael consistently shows a lack of imagination. Is there any help for him.

It’s the banana seat, if you know what I mean. :wink:

Just go with mine and Phils side. Jackie is an in the closet straight guy.:stuck_out_tongue:

some of my best friends are men but I’m not going to sleep with them.
I guess I haven’t met the right man… :thinking: … Yuck!

So, sexual preference is not a choice?

My psychology book tells about exploration, whic says that more than 30% of men have some short of sexual interest to other men. (This doesnt mean that they are all gays.) I have always been bit dubious against this information, but if this is true sexual preference can be matter of choice to some people.

Ummmmmmm… actually that’s exactly what I said.
I have an uber-hawtt super-model boyfriend but we were attracted to each other because we had feelings for each other, not because we thought we were hot.

I’m totally not about physical attraction. I’m about love.
I’m only physically attracted to guys but I don’t date people because they’re cute.
I could easily fall in love with a girl. I just wouldn’t be physically attracted to her.

Sexual preference for one gender over the other has no bearing whatsoever on who you’ll fall in love with.

Or you could go with that. Just keep it hush cause I don’t want people to know. What will they think of me?

On that note, I’m off to make lemon bars! Om nom nom nom nom!!
Learn how to make lemon bars and EVERYONE will fall in love with you!