Are you overly concerned about the possibility of stress you may be experiencing?

Take this simple stress test.

You’ll be glad you did!

Oh, good, I passed. Nothing out of the ordinary there, no sir…

That just confirms I work to much.

Thank goodness my vacation starts this Thursday.

Re: Are you overly concerned about the possibility of stress you may be experiencing?

u’re right
i’m so glad i took that
can i get back to my steak, egg and chips now?

Re: Re: Are you overly concerned about the possibility of stress you may be experienc

Well, certainly; and by all means!

I never intended anyone to interrupt their high-fat, high-cholesterol mid-day snack!

If you’re not worried about your dietary intake, then you don’t have anything to worry about, and, hey!

That means less stress for you!

Of course, a shorter life means less stress (in the long run), too…

It all depends on how you look at it.

What color was your cow, Dave?

mmmmm… dolphin steaks…