Has anyone seen my moral compass?
Haha you totally reminded me that I also have a blue-purple deficit as well! Being color blind (partial, not total) has never really posed a problem…except in choosing the best color coordinations for clothes! Oh, and I can draw pretty well, but I stick with pencil only, so only B&W. As for painting my unis from time to time, I just go with what looks good to me since that’s all that really matters, lol!
The problem for people with red/green blindness is that the two colors look similar. But as we know there are millions of color-blind people driving around out there, it’s not a problem. Red is always on top. Even a dog (no color vision) can tell the difference.
So what about traffic lights that are sideways? I couldn’t tell you which way is the “correct” one and I used to teach driving for a living. I guess it’s only a problem on an empty road though. Otherwise you’ll see what the other cars are doing. When in doubt, wait for it to change? Or memorize it because you have color-blindness problems and you’ve had to learn. In either case, driving at night may pose some problems for people who can’t distinguish the color. You can’t tell top from bottom in the dark…
I have noticed that in some bigger cities, with fancier stop lights, that the green often is more cyan than green, but maybe that’s just me.
That is absolutely FALSE! At least in many cases. Red-Green Color Blindness doesn’t mean You can’t Distinguish Red from Green – Colblindor
I am color blind and was tested as a child and determined to be “red-green” deficient, but to me Red and Green traffic signal light colors bear no similarity at all! In fact, they’re just about as opposite as black & white! Joe (crazyjoe) and I have the same if not identical color blind deficit, but we our actual deficiency is with brown-green and blue-purple, as we often confuse browns and greens and blues and purples.
I know someone who can’t see purple. I think it looks blue to him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to see my 36er at all.
Well, I think the reason that certain color blind people confuse blue with purple is because they are indeed similar. Purple is basically blue with some red added, right? Blue just appears to me to have the dominant of the two mixed colors and stands out more than the red, which I can’t really see when it’s blended with blue.
I always liked purple because it’s basically boring blue with some zing added.
Could you use something like Photoshop to take a purple color and crank up the red so that it looks purple to you? In other words, take a picture of my purple Coker. Then doctor it up with Photoshop until it looks the same shade of purple to you as the real thing does to me. But how would we know?
Not really because I don’t know what purple looks like, lol. I only know it’s purple when someone tells me. Otherwise it looks like some weird shade of blue. Speaking of “shades”, that is the main complication in my failure to consitently identify certain colors. There are so many, seemingly endless variations of the same color, that it’s simply impossible for me to remember them all, since I lack the color receptors for differenciating browns from greens and blues from purples. I can only guess. I’m usually wrong. Sometimes I can use deduction to figure it out, depending on the situation. For instance, I know grass is green…in most cases. It’s not that it “looks” green to me; just that I know it’s supposed to be green. Or chocolate is often brown, so i know it can’t be green, lol. And a paper money (in the US) is green, or so I’m told. And if I’m shopping for a men’s sport coat at Sears for example, and it looks blue, it’s a safe bet that I’m right. I don’t think Sears sells Men’s sport coats in purple, last time I checked anyway!
They don’t. Because Liberace and Elton John don’t shop at Sears. (it’s li-burr-AH-chee for all you kids out there…)
Also because Liberace’s dead and both he and Elton would wear only custom made clothes .
i already knew i was color blind
i can’t tell between:
red,brown and green
light green and yellow
dark brown, dark purple and black
purple and pink
orange,pink and red
I’ll take that as a no.
i already knew i was color blind
i can’t tell between:
red,brown and green
light green and yellow
dark brown, dark purple and black
purple and pink
orange,pink and red
That’s good to know, and probably true for the majority of people with color-blindness issues. Otherwise you would hear more about it.
I had a co-worker back in my days of making ice cream and Italian ices, who had a red-brown color deficiency. One of our most popular sorbet (Italian ice) flavors was raspberry, but once he made a whole bunch of batches of brown raspberry ice. Apparently the new can of raspberry stabilizer that he’d opened was missing the red coloring, and he couldn’t tell the difference. So we had about 20 gallons of brownish raspberry ice we couldn’t sell. Tasted just fine, but looks affect taste and it wasn’t up to our standards. After that he always had to check with someone else to verify the color when opening a new container of the raspberry stuff.
Ha ha, thats pretty funny (eh not for the wasted batch)
Imagine all the hystarical ways people have discovered they were color blind over the years - bomb squad tech “cut the red wire, not the brown wire” (yes I understand the horribly innacurate logistics in that statement:p)
You talk too much! ;)
Dark pink is red. Your dad is right.