Are Unicycles Destroying my Friends Lives?

Maybe I don’t understand it, but I think my friends are uniadicts. I don’t wanna go into details in anybody’s buisness. But I don’t think it’s healthy to spend 5,000 dollars, in unies and there parts. Or to miss class because you are up til three on your cycle. Am I crazy, or is this?

Maybe we do like our unicycles a lot. But I would rather spend $500 on Mojoes MUni than on a PS2 and a bunch of games. At least unicycling is a healthy hobby. PLus, my new MUni (sparkle) will last me a lifetime (hopefully) while your PS2 is outdated in 5 years. And I’ve never missed school because of unicycling.

Well I think more of your energy goes into Uning than school. My PS2 will last me, until I get something bigger and better, and thats the same thing your uni is going to do. As soon as you see the next incredible uni, you’ll forget about your old one.

Besides, you don’t really stay home much, if you did, you probably would have a PS2 and a whole lot of games. I just think everything should be done in moderation.

i have PS2 and a unicycle and i like both but its easy to lose track of time on either and spend alot of money on either you just got to be carefull. ask yourself do i really want to spend this much time or money on it.

Here’s something I do every time I buy something. I ask my self “I this worth my working x hours for?” Where x is number of work hours it would take to earn the money to buy the thing. It works for the most part, but sometimes I miss eating because of it.

BTW: My name is Daniel and I am a uniing addict.


I don’t know who is up till 3 on their uni. Someone on this forum probably is, I dunno. And most of us don’t spend 5,000 dollars on uni’s.
Not all at once, anyway. In the long run, probably much more than that.

i too am obsessed :slight_smile:

firstly, yes i have been known to ride at 3am. im in school in DC and when snow started to fall in the wee hours of the night on a weekend, there was no way i could go to sleep.

secondly, while i have not missed school yet because of uniing, i plan to skip a day to go to motorama, but i think that is warranted.

thirdly, 5,000 usd is a lot of money. my total uni expenditures (including gifts purchased by others and given to me) probably reaches around 800 usd. thats a lot, but ive ridden probably several hundred hours so a few bucks an hour isnt that bad. also, i hope to be at the point where i can go a while without buying new parts (assuming my new nimbus x crank arms last more than 1 hour of riding).

its okay to be obsessed with unicycling. its fun, good exersize, and a good topic of conversation. people in my dorm seem to get a kick out of my favorite hobby.

All: “Hello Daniel”.

“Hello Daniel”

And hence starts the world’s first “Unicyclists Anonymous” meeting.

It’s OK Obie. Just because you only spent $500 on your used muni doesn’t mean that we will think less of you. Later on you’ll learn to appreciate what unicycling is and you’ll understand the value of spending more money. Until then you’ll just have to learn how to be happy with a $500 muni.

I’m going to go unicycling at 3 AM tonight just to show my support.

spoken like a true agent of mediocrity

hi daniel!

Re: Are Unicycles Destroying my Friends Lives?

Obviously, you are crazy. The actions you just described sound like the actions of a completely normal and sane person. It seems to me that you suffer from some kind of lathargic attitude that must stem from your father not hugging you enough. It is my professional opinion that you seek help as soon as humanly possible.

EDIT: “Hello Daniel”

You don’t really seem to get it. I understand Uning and all, but it is really hurting these people. For example we have had about 80 days of school, and Obie has missed 45 of them. I think that is dangerous, especially in his senoir year. I am just having some concern for my friends. These people aren’t out of school yet, and they can’t afford to stay out til three on unies. They alre also spending alot of money, money which they may need later.

First, that is not an accurate figure.
Second, None of those were because of unicycling (I have issues)
Third, thanks for sharing.

Hi Daniel!

You don’t seem to get it either. These people could be spending their money and time doing hard drugs, and missing school in a drunken/drugged stupor. If they are staying up late unicycling it is not the most unhealthy thing they could be doing, and it is their lives they are living, therefore it is their choice. If you don’t want to spend money on Unicycles, don’t. If you want to go to bed early, then do so. You can’t convince other people to be like you especially if it is not as fun as what they are doing. I’ve spent thousands, and I don’t regret it. Unicycle gear should last for years as opposed to computers which go out of date. School isn’t always the best place to learn either. If someone is not happy at school, they aren’t going to learn much anyway.

i think its funny that you are trying to convince a bunch of unicyclists that unicycling is bad. nice try. maybe go to a b*ke forum.

Who the hell is D. Mizzy I know you know Kevin but it sounds like you dont unicycle. What the hell are you doing here then? This is for unicyclists.

This is unicycling related, she has a right to be here.

overindulging on your unicycle is perfectly acceptable…
well i think so anyway :stuck_out_tongue: