I started replying to this comment of Bruce’s in another thread in Rec.Sport.Unicycling but it soon went far too far off topic, so here it is in it’s own topic…
Mark is a very talented rider, and you can be sure that he loves his family enough not to put them in any real danger. I believe his wife has also done some acrobatics training and I’m sure they all know how to bail cleanly. Just to try to put things in perspective (well my perspective at least :)), do you get this concerned whenever you drive in the car with your family?
A little off topic, but this vaguely reminds me of how I’m often really disappointed to see the local council/government/etc putting in place all these rules and various other bits and pieces to ‘protect our children’. As a result, kids of today miss out on so many of life’s little thrills that are now deemed too dangerous. I know for sure that some of my fondest memories of childhood are of doing these sorts of things with my friends and relatives, and I think it’s a real shame that the kids of today are going to miss out. I think that doing these ‘dangerous’ things is a vital part of growing up…it teaches you to set your own boundaries, know your own abilities (of course I think things like playing too close to the edge of a cliff for example should be avoided), but most importantly they’re usually really fun!
I wish I could think of an example, because without one I’m not going to make all that much sense.
Aha! Scratch that, I thought of one…fireworks are exactly what I’m talking about. I’ve heard so many fantastic stories of Guy Fawkes Day celebrations from people of my parents’ generation, and my generation missed out on a whole lot of fun. I know for sure that many people won’t agree with me here, but I think it’s wrong to take away the enjoyment of millions to protect a very small percentage of them when there are and always be so many other (more dangerous) dangers in our lives. Kind of like taking away our individual freedom to have fun.
This should not be confused with my views on the more extreme scale of things like, for example, sacrificing a few lives for the good of a larger body (the whole concept of war in my eyes…I’m very anti-war no matter what the circumstances).
Keep in mind that I’m also generally an advocate for wearing helmets and other protective gear…that and the fact that, although I hope marriage and fatherhood’s not too many years away, I’m most likely closer to being a child than a father. Still, I hope my views don’t change too much and I don’t become much more protective.
Well that turned out to be a very off topic ramble, but now it’s got it’s own thread so I guess we can say that this is the topic.
What are all your thoughts? I’d be very interested to know.