Are they still doing San Fransisco Unicycle Tour?

Are they still doing San Fransisco Unicycle Tour? I’m just curious. The last video I found was from 2021 (19th annual SF ride).

Unicycle Tour of Oslo was inspired by SF Unicycle Tour. We have done it 3 times so far,

Are there annual rides like this in any other cities? There should be :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think it’s still happening, but not being advertised anymore, just the old-school crew riding together.

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In recent years we have been riding in August instead of September. If you would like to come down for the next one that can be arranged. We have been keeping it small since it was getting out of hand with some kids showing up to ride. So it has been by invitation only the last few years.

When is the next Oslo Uni ride? That would be fun to ride. Got a video of that one? What is the distance and altitude gain?

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The unicycle tour of Oslo is on the first 2-digit saturday of june, so this year it’s june 14th. It’s aprox. 30 km with 400 m elevation gain, so it’s a lot easier than the SF tour. The first year I didn’t know what to expect, but people of all ages with all sorts of wheel sizes turned up, so it became more of a social thing which is nice really.

This is a video of last years ride:


Hope to be there!

Maybe I’ll come right from my Trondheim - Oslo ride :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Woah that’s a lot of riders of all sizes there. It looks like a lot of fun. Tempted to crash your party one year.
Gary, the SF Uni Tour founder and I are doing an overseas ride this year. We are going to ride the Shimanami Kaido in Japan on Uni. It is a famous bike ride. That ride is easier than the San Fran ride but very scenic and different, cossing six islands connected by long bridges. We have made travel plans for April. If you want to meet up for that one we can connect and share travel plans.
I think that ride is about 75 Km which is doable in one day but we might do it in two days each way to do some sight seeing. So total of four riding days.

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