april fools day!(PING Unityler)


I want to fool someone i dont know who yet, but i want it to be really really good, what should i do?
please lost some good ideas yoopers and tyler i know you can think of some!

Tyler i know you love pranks so what do you have planned for it?

make one of these:
I made a hand and it turned out pretty cool. Dress it up with clothes and put a mask on it then put it someones yard then call them telling them that he’s stalking them or something…:smiley:

put a nickle under the tap so when people wash there hands it sprays all over them:D

i just found an awsome site about fraud and stuff it is so cool!!!

Hey Habby,

I enjoyed the Credit card stuff. I’m changing my signature.

dates could be a problem!
today I had to send dozens of emails announcing the birth of grandson #3
except it was true! (but some could not believe it because of his surname!!!)

That is incredible! I haven’t found something on the Internet that funny in a long time!

… it makes you wonder. :thinking:

if you like that then check out:

The Michael Jackson prank was hilarious.

Ashley is away this afternoon visiting friends, so I called her Mom on the cell and asked if we could borrow her house for the afternoon. So Ben, Brad and I spent some time in Ashley’s room decorating as an April Fools joke with some 300 balloons.

All teenage girls room’s walls are replete with posters of their favorite male movie stars. Borrowing a name from one of the posters on Ashley’s wall, we named this one Orlando Balloon.

I have the same Lamp as Ashley…

I love the balloon thing tho. Its a nice aril fools joke (unless shes allregic to latex :stuck_out_tongue: ).