anyone yo yo

i was just wondering because i recently got a good yo yo and im starting to like it
and i know that one persons user name is yo yo somthing:D :slight_smile:

i used to have the brain yo-yo, you know the one with the centrifugal clutch in it so it comes up automatically, i was pretty good at it

thoes are kinda stupid because you cant sleep it or anything and it does all the work for you i got the one with the ballbearing axil its called the kickside

is just plain wrong to yo yo and anyone who disagrees need real help :angry: :angry: :angry:

seriously take it like a grownup you know gay marige is wrong

Okay I admit that I have a yo yo. I don’t know what to do with it so I just freak out when I see someone who is happy with a yo yo. It has totally skewed my perspective because I know deep inside I really love yo yos.

Man, thanks for your help.

Take it to one of the gay marriage threads you two.

I used to yo-yo in primary school, but then the string broke. It was pretty cool, I remember some pro-yo yo guys came to our school and started doing all these crazy tricks, the next week everybody had a yo-yo.

haha…mawesome- the same thing happened at my school

i have a yomega fireball.
im not very good anymore though

have a look at this yo yo thread tooo

i have a yo-yo, cost me $5. its like the easiest things you will ever do. it falls into the catergory of frisbee’s and pogo sticks. they do get boring after a while but evernow and then you will pull it out of your draw and play with it jsut for kicks.

ive seen those asian guys do it with like 10 yo-yo’s each all going at the same time, they are the most freakish guys i have ever seen.

lol the X-Brain I think it was called. I had one - they were pretty fun - might go and look for it actually…

I was the southern region uk champion when the craze was about and i won a load of yoyos that you couldnt buy, but i saw one of the top uk yoyoers the other day and i aint picked up a yoyo in yoers so i am consequently way below par

I got one in february, it’s a Henrys Lizard. I had a go of the top of the range Henrys one (can’t mind it’s name) but didn’t like it - it felt more like a diablo than a yo yo. Plus it was £30, the one I got was £15. I wasn’t up for spending £30 on my 1st yo yo.

During the kids lunchtime at work, I have to stand on the wee road that splits the school and the playground to make sure they don’t run or get hit by a car, etc.

As you can imagine this is very boring so I started taking my yo yo out with me, now I get kids crowding round to watch me with it!

I would say I am not very good, but I am getting the hang of it. A guy I met at York showed me a trick where it goes round your finger and spins on the taut string and then springs back round and into your hand.

From that I’ve just been making it up as I go along and had a look at a yo yo website last weekend and found that I could do 3 tricks off there and almost do about 5 others.

Double or Nothing, Reverse Double or Nothing, Elevator, Lindy Loop (nearly!), the first one I was shown (still don’t know it’s name!) Across The Shoulder, and then the basic stuff like walk the dog and round the world.

Now I am remembering the go of the £30 one I had and thinking that I should have got that one. But then there’s loads of others out there too. The Henrys ones were right in front of me at the time.

It’s good fun and gets a bit more technical than I had expected.

I’m thinking of buying a book to show me more. Anyone got any suggestions? Remember that I am in the UK.


if you want a new yo yo get the kick side or a hitman and for tricks go to

very simspons keven!!!

very simspons keven!!!

does it count if i beat my freinds with yoyo like weapons?