Hey peeps, if you have medical experience, more extensive than just knowing a sprain from a break, i need some help. Its the anterior lateral side (front right side) of what would seem to be my Astragalus/Scaphoid area. For the past year or two now, whenever i land a drop quite flat, or land too far forward on my foot (adduction of the joint, bending in, toes toward my shin) it like squeezes and ends up hurting for a good week or so. Theres no bruising or swelling, just a dullish pain that would normally say bruise, but it just hurts to much and happens so much that i doubt it can be that.
sorry if thats confusing, but it explains what hurts. pain at first is about 7 out of 10 (10 being the worst), but later on i just goes away, until i step on it wrong and then it hurts at abou 7/10 again.
anyway, any help is appreciated, i dont want to go and get x rays because our insurance doesnt totaly cover it.
No medical advice here, but how about laying off the drops for a while, to see if the problem goes away? If you do trail riding, do what I do: roll everything possible, and walk most of the rest. Hopping may exacerbate the problem so don’t do a lot of that either.
Also your landing technique might not be optimum for your feet. What part of your foot is on the pedal during drops, and do you fold your body and roll out usually?
Orthotics. They have saved me. Go see a reputable chiropractor, it might be a muscle inbalance or out of place hips, etc. Do it now before it gets worse: don’t procrastinate.
i dont have much cash, neither do my parents. Plus, unicycling isnt an expensive hobby unless you make it one. I ride on scrounged up parts, some self made. I have torn up gloves which ive rapped medical tape around, and my shin pads and helmet were bought under sponsorship. Aka, not an expensive sport for me. (i prefer sport to hobby)
Cool story bro.
I ride trials, so no real roll outs there. And my technique is okay, its just a compression thing i think.
I’ll try to? but my family doesnt have much money to spend on thinks like “it’d be nice to get an x-ray”
Well, even though i cant seem to tell the difference, i’'m pretty sure that Maestro’s not an elbow.
thanks for the advice everybody idk, i was just hoping someone who had knowledge of foot/ankle problems would be able to offer insight.
I have no medical experience, but the same thing I think is happening to me, except it only lasts for a few minutes. Usually the balls of my feet are on the pedals when it happens and I move the pedals more too the arch of my feet and it doesn’t happen.
Can you recreate the pain simply by adducting the joint in that direction, say, by lying down, putting a towel around your toes, and pulling the ends of the towel to adduct your foot, pulling your toes toward your shin?
Does this occur whether your knee is bent or fully extended?
The fact that it hurts for a week or so suggests you have inflamed it, and it is going through a normal healing process.
x ray is only for bones, maybe you are thinking MRI?