I did today I wasn’t timing myself…but it was probably around 5 minutes.
ive gotten to having it all done but the LL corners being in the wrong orientation
i dont even own a rubix cube
Has anyone done it will high speed gliding or really fast cokering riding?
Me neither.
I just asked mum and she said there is some down stairs in boxes… she also told me sternly not to go looking for them:(
I’ll do it and video document it haha
who and how the hell would u do dat
i cant even do one siting down.
if u can dat is funny
I have done it lots of times. Around 1 or 2 minutes
I have…it took me about 27 seconds if I remember right.
Macky holds the world record with 15 seconds.
My Precious!!!
Solved on the uni, yes, but not while idling - while riding. I can’t idle long enough yet.
Solve time off the uni - 1 min 30 sec
Solve time on the uni - ~8 minutes
i solve them faster ON my uni than off
on uni: 5 minutes
off uni: 3 HOURS!!!
'bout 30-34 seconds each time I did it. That was a year ago.
You stayed on your unicycle for three hours straight?
Thats pretty cool.
I can’t find my rubiks cube anywhere
Iv done it on my uni but it still takes me bout 5 mins
dude, did u even read that post? it says OFF uni=3 hours on uni 5 min… but i have ridden my uni for 3 hours strait w/o gettin off, i was practicing unispins…3 hours!