Where did this riddle come from anyway?
from yahoo
found this on yahoo…interesting answer
It’s got to be pressure.
Polar bears are white because the pressure at the poles is low, so they have to be able to absorb heat.
Pressure makes you cry if it’s too much.
Pressure in your bladder makes you have to pee.
Peer pressure makes girls comb their hair…Otherwise we wouldn’t bother!
Celebrities usually crack under pressure.
Many normal people will shine under pressure.
Pancakes turn brown thanks to pressure generated by the heat.
Champagne will bubble until the pressure of the carbonation has disappeared.
If you squeeze something under pressure, BAM, there it goes.
If you are “looking” at pressure, you’re in it, like in an airplane, and your ears pop.
not sure it’s 100% correct–Polar Bears may be be white due to evolutionary pressure-not my answer anyway–just cut and pasted the best answer I could find.
At least it’s a fesable answer.
this riddle is lame
I heard another good one a while ago, I’ll post it
i don’t think it’s god, first of all you can’t squeeze him, and secondly if you are able to squeeze god, he probably wouldn’t pop.
Makes more sense than God.
Couldn’t polar bears absorb more heat if they were black?
I believe their being white has more to do with camouflage…so therefore I think the evolutionary pressure is better.
Also, wouldn’t pressure in the bladder of a chick cause her to need to pee too?
Yea, a black bear would absorb more heat.
polar bear’s skin is black and their fur is actually clear, channeling heat to the skin. thus making them warmer than a black bear.
OK pressure is a pretty good answer, I think it only mentions boys peeing so that the riddle has a nice symmetry to it over those two lines i.e.e mentioning boys then girls. Ok symmetry isn’t quite the right word, parrity maybe expresses it etter.
Oh yeah, I have heard that…but would the white fur help absorb heat into the black skin, better than black fur would?
I still think its too blend in with its surroundings…
but ultimately it’s the low pressure in its natural environment which causes tundra and the need for white camouflage.
anyway, i accept your gratitude for my having solved it.
and, of course, thanks to beck for working it through.
i’m goint to say the answer to the riddle is stupidity
The riddle is from Crapville, my primary message board. The answer is ‘no’ because the last question is ‘can you solve the riddle’, so it’s ‘no’
Ohh, well in that case, the answer is ‘yes’ because we all know now that it is pressure.
It’s chuck norris
it is probabley chuck norris
yeah but the problem w/ bolack fur is it would lose heat quikly
i think polar bears would look good if they had blue triangle shaped spots
Excuse me?