anyone solve this?

i stole this off some other forums, but i dont know the answer

I turn polar bears white
and I will make you cry.
I make guys have to pee
and girls comb their hair.
I make celebrities look stupid
and normal people look like celebrities.
I turn pancakes brown
and make your champane bubble.
If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop.
If you look at me, you’ll pop.
Can you guess the riddle?

they say little kids should get it easy, so ask a little kid what it is cause I really want to know

its GOD (i saw this on a myspace bulletin)


no…Onions! Camera flash! Frying pan! Ice!

Heck I dunno

it was god, skate4flip already posted it and it was mysteryisly deleted

Mmm. I guess that works…

The answer was god? :thinking: He doesn’t make guys pee, or girls comb their hair!!
I think it’s a wrong answer!

It’s obviously a zit
But I can’t figure out how a zit makes pancakes brown? Maybe it’s a brown head zit.

I was thinking that it was Babies. Fits most on the list.

Google didn’t help much…

God can make you do anything, so I’m not sure why they randomly selected a bunch of activities…

I think its your eye…maybe. But I don’t know how your eye makes guys pee, or how it makes you pop when you look at it.

carbon dioxide?

No I can’t. Doubtless it’s some abstract like ‘love’. And where’s this champagne of mine?

i’m thinking pressure… it has its share of connotations.

that was a lame riddle, if the answer is god…

water works for all of the above except for the ones about popping…

If you squeeze a bubble it pops, so water kind of works for that one (if it’s in bubble form)

dunno about you, but I don’t pop when I look at a bubble

Wait, yes you do. If you are watching your reflection in the bubble, then when it pops, you pop along with it… kind of…

Water doesn’t work for any of the except making guys pee, but then why only guys?