Anyone on bebo want to do my quiz?

Yeah I’ve just discovered this amazing thing bebo, It’s pretty much myspace but a bit newer…

I made a quiz, “How intimitely do you know the sport of unicycling” so if you’re that way inclined, have a go! I think you might have to be registered to do the quiz though…

I added you

aww i’m sorry, i’m new. I did get as far as “making my url” public before I started this thread and I thought that would do it?

You mean, its pretty much cleaner, faster, and more reliable than myspace without anywhere near as much spam, and easier to use than facebook. lols.

Hi Pete.
Amanda, I added you :stuck_out_tongue:

Mine is btw or muzzle (muzzl3) on Myspace

yay I’ve done the quiz! :slight_smile:

I only missed one question, on a movie I’ve never seen before!

I think some of the questions/answers might be a little inacurrate though… I know david Weichenberger used to be the long jump record holder, and I thought that was at 2.9 meters…?

And Kris Holm Unicycles also sponsers telemark skiing…

got Bebo… so… what now… made a skin… got bored…

Well I think this question/answer is correct in my poll, it was set in October 2006 and the previous record was (I think) 2.65m.

My question/answer is still accurate regardless…

My bebo is…

if anyone wantrs it, and the gangster skin is a joke btw

:frowning: this is the guy thats gone right?

Unfortunately yea.
Such a shame

I have NO idea what you are talking about, where did pete go?

pete has passed ducttape. Pete died.
Ride in Peace Pete

oh… when did this happen? did I miss something somewhere? sorry for my ignorance everyone…