Anyone live in Issaquah, WA?

hey, just wonderin if anyone here lives in issaquah, WA. looking for some unicyclists in the area…

I’m in Bothell. Tom Blackwood lives in Issaquah. And there are the rest of the SARS (Seattle Area RiderS) group.

What type of riding do you do? I’m mostly Coker and muni.
One of my favorite local muni rides is on Tiger Mt.

xtremeskier lives in Issaquah also, although it looks like he hasn’t posted since March. Might be lurking, or not riding.

Where do you currently go riding in the Issy area?

Where on Tiger Mt. do you Muni? I’m looking for sites that might be similar to what one would find a an NAUCC event for practice. Also trials locations.

I live in Sammamish… though I realize this thread is over a year old :stuck_out_tongue:

The east side if Tiger are the only trails open to bikes and unicycles. All the other Tiger trails are hiker only. There are three trails open to bikes, Preston RR Trail, Northwest Timber Trail, and Iverson RR Trail (a.k.a. Fat Hand Trail). My favorite ride there is to go up the dirt road to Preston (about an 1100 foot climb) and then come back on the Northwest Timber Trail. It makes for about a 12 mile loop.

The trails on Tiger are going to have more climbing than what I would expect at a NAUCC event. Though that would depend on where NAUCC is being held.

The trails at St. Edward State Park and Big Finn Hill Park (a King County park) are going to be more like what you’ll likely find at a NAUCC. The St. Edward trails and Big Finn Hill trails connect together. The trails there are rolling up and down style trails. More likely similar to what you’ll find at a NAUCC event. St. Edward has a nice little climb that goes from Lake Washington up to the main park building along a dirt access road/trail. It climbs about 340 feet. It’s a good climb to practice on.

For trials stuff along with some muni practice trails, check out I-5 Colonnade.

I wanna ses Tiger.
I went looking for amber there once but that was before I was into Muni.