Anyone know of a European food that starts with the letter X?

aren’t churros spelt Xurros in Catalan?

X-tra cheese.

Thanx Bruce, I’m chortling again.

a common border? wasn’t even aware of that! where?
(beware: there are different shades of basquitude and catalanitude: for instance people in Val d’Aran -which is supposed to be part of catalonia- do not speak Catalan but Aranese which is a completely different language!)

Possibly the commonality of their borderitudinosity was slightly exaggerated. They’re close anyway. Maybe Aragon and Navarra come between them. It feels like that when driving down the autoroute. I found it odd on my first visit that all of the motorway exits led to the town of Salida. I still haven’t found it on the map.

I’m not sure about Xurros, either for its spelling or from the edibility point of view. Much over-rated in my opinion. However, a very good word beginning with “x” in Catalan is xocolata. It’s in the pronunciation appendix of the cook book.


Mary’s suggestion (I don’t claim it for fear of forum excommunication):

X-tra Marmite

I’m thinking ‘X-Rated Chocolate BodyPaint’.

Is this thread still going? I turned in muh project yesterday. -_-