^^^Self explanatory.
Thank you in advance.
^^^Self explanatory.
Thank you in advance.
Not offhand, but I’ve eaten a few things in Europe that made me want to say “Ecccchs!”
xilitol which is more a content than food (or better said; candy).
It used to be in BenBits, which I don’t see in European shops anymore.
Chewing gum is not European at all:
reminds me to that time I didn’t get sponsorship from Sportlife (European market leader in chewing gum).
The sales-promotion manager did not even know why the manufacturer was called Maple-Leaf (not even when I hinted they’d est. end of 1945).
But he did know unicycling was not considered a cool sport at the targeted customer group.
…couple of weeks later they started to sponsor a certain BMX rider I’ve mentioned in my proposal.
Sweet, that’ll work Leo. Thanks!
xanthan gum is an additive in foods too but not really a food in itself.
Searchin t’interweb I’ve found “XLNT tamales”. Not sure if they’re European…Sound Mexcan to me.
Also found a breed of dog beginning with X…Xoloitzcuintli. I don’t know what the eating’s like on one of them though.
Kewl thread title, while I’m still on that bandwagon.
A couple of online food dictionaries throws up some stuff that’s really going to help my Scrabble, but I’m not sure if it’ll help you much.
The only thing you don’t explain, is why you need to know something as odd as this?
Knowing why is half the fun…
My guess is he’s doing some sort of children’s “picture alphabet” thing with food… “a is for apple, b is for banana, c is for chocolate…” … “x is for boiling or frying or omelettes”
X always ends up as something ridiculous on those lists - xylophone, xenophobe, x-ray (well perhaps not often xenophobe…)
I can’t think of a food beginning with x, but I’m sure there is one, sure as x is x.
Rob guessed right. I had to have a food from various parts of Europe for each letter. I got some wacked out names of stuff.
Go for the comedy approach. Fried X. Scrambled X. X Benedict.
Heh…I considered that, but my world geography teacher is the type that subtracts points for things like that.
Which is sad, cause X-Benedict had me chuckling heartily.
Sometimes ya gotta suffer for your art…
Xilitol, xanthan gum, why is that a European specific food?
Well for Xylitol, on wikipedia, it says that Finland is considered it’s “home country”, of sorts.
How about xpaghetti? Or xbeer?
The Basque language is always good for words with “x” in. A quick look in my book of Catalan cuisine (well, they two provinces have a common border) threw up [1] Xató (salt cod and tuna salad with Romesco dressing) and Xai Rostit amb 12 Cabeces d’All (roast lamb with 12 heads of garlic). One surmises that xai might be Catalan for lamb. I have just checked and this is so.
[1] This may not have been the most apt phrase to use.
Dude, you rock. I’m gonna use Xató for my food.
Rep points if I could! =)
I was thinking the same thing while reading that.
same here
Coo! Wouldn’t want to be in your shoes when the Basque Separatist Organisation and the Catalan Revolutionary Separatist Party arrive on your doorstep, agree temporarily to put aside whatever differences they may have, and start a small war.