anyone here watch the world poker tour or like poker?

title explains itself

I enjoy watching occasionally. I also like to watch bowling, billiards, and golf much to the amusement of my family.

I get to play poker rarely, but it’s quite enjoyable.

I think the coverage of the poker matches could be a lot more poker and a lot less all the other crap they focus on though.

my dad and brother watch it all the time. I like playing poker, but not for money.

i think watching it on tv is boring…prolly cuZ i dont fully know whats going on… playing for fun is fun.

Meaning no chips? Or just playing the game with chips, but no money? I can’t stand playing poker with no cips, because it’s boring as heck, with no goal (to me, at least)…but I love playing a game of poker with my friends.

I play poker for money, my friends and I usually have about a $5 buy-in. We’ve played without the $5 buy-in, but the game kinda goes downhill because the stupid moves and bluffs are over done when there’s nothing to lose.

Poker’s pretty fun…surprisingly, I think it can be fun to watch, too…watching the decisions some of those pros is pretty inspiring.

I play every Tuesday. I watch if nothing else is on.

I play regularly, and I rarely watch tv, but when I do I enjoy watching the things that JJuggle mentioned. I play for money only, because it makes the challenge real. I enjoy the game because of the mental and pshychological challenge and that is no longer real when there is no winning or losing envolved. Playing without money is like riding a bike, there is nothing challenging or fun about it.


speaking of poker, yesterday I watched some stupid people play Bull fighting poker