For those who don’t know D&D stands for dungeons and dragons,’ve been playing for a month or two and was wondering if anyone else played. If you do play put down what your character(s) are.
I used to play, around 1978/9? We used the basic rules and all you needed was the single booklet, a handful of dice, paper, pencil and your imagination.
Then they brought out the Advanced Rules, and the official scenarios, and the Monster Manual and the Fiend Folio and all the fun went out of it.
And in my day we had proper music: Motörhead, Sex Pistols, and AC/DC. Not like today’s music which is all thump thump thump, no tune you can whistle and you can’t hear the words. Grumble, mutter. Bring back National Service and flogging, it’s the only language they understand, never did me any harm… (continues ad lib, ad nauseamque until Matron arrives with my cocoa.)
I’ve played a few times several years ago with my dad and stepbrother…but they would always end in huge fights between those two because of little changes my dad would make to the rules to DM and such, it was irritating.
I enjoyed it though, and have gotten my fix satisfied using a forum-based D&D with a built in dice-roller. Same rules and everything, but available to people farther away from each other.
i saw you saying you use to play d and d, i dont get it lol. Do you play with models,cards online?and where do you get them?
i looked on their site and they said about making custom characters, so how would you get the model?
I started playing around '85 and still have issues of White Dwarf and Imagine from that era.
Like Mike, I started off with the basic set (the red books) and moved up to the expert set (the blue books).
I never bought the advanced set of books but did borrow them from friends when I was in college to see what all the fuss was about.
We were more into role-playing than rule-playing and as a DM I would often wing it outrageously.
Don’t ask me to paint any miniatures these days though, the eyes aren’t up to it anymore.
The first set I had was a blue book in the late 1970s. I can’t find a picture on Google Images, but if I remember correctly, it had some characters on the front, standing amid some standing stones. I remember when the Advanced D&D rules came in and only one kid in the school had the book.
Role playing (rather than rule playing) is what made it such fun.
I used to have all the White Dwarfs from issue 1 when they had monochrome covers. I had a couple of brief articles/letters published.
To add to what I just said, playing in person is much more social and if you’re going to play the online game you might as well be antisocial and play world of warcraft.
To me a reality version of W.O.W would be playing paintball with mates. You just create characters amongst yourself and run like hell until you get shot so many times that you become immobile.
If that’s directed at me, I probably should have explained myself better.
That’s what I use. It’s not a video game, it’s a play-by-post version of old school D&D, an exact replica where you still roll dice and everything, just available for people who might not have players physically close.