Anyone have any experience with Qu-Ax Muni's?

So i’ve been riding around on my Club 24" for a while, hit some minor trails and forest paths on it, not the best but atleast it let me discover my love for MUni’ing :p. Long story short, i had some extra money and looked on UDC and ended up getting a Qu-Ax 24" Muni. Here it is:
I got it because it was marked down a lot, and fit my budget. Apparently Qu-Ax’s have gotten good reviews, and supposedly their frames are about as strong as a KH. They are a tad bit heavy, but i dont really mind that, i wont do any major jumps.
So what do you guys think about the Qu Ax MUni? :thinking:

It’s a good, strong muni that should last you a good, long time. Have fun with it!

It’s a good, strong muni that should last you a good, long time. Have fun with it!

I don’t do hard-core muni, or even medium-core; that being said, I have a Qu-Ax Cross 29, and I have no complaints. It’s sturdy and should last a long time, which is pretty much what I look for in a unicycle. I recently got a Qu-Ax Luxus 36, and I’ve been riding it on single-track trails. Again, no complaints.

Hi, I love the Qu-Ax! I own the 20", 26" and recently bought the 36er. They all awesome and strong. As you mentioned a bit heavy… But I’m not a weight whiny… :wink:

One thing, the frame on the 24" Muni you’re talking about is CroMo. I had that frame on my 26 and it was pretty weak, I bent it after few month… instead I ordered the Alu Qu-Ax Series frame which is very strong and looks great!

Have fun,

I bought the QU-aX 24" MUni for my birthday and I think it’s brilliant. I’ve racked up around 50 miles on it over the last 3 weeks, most of it totally off-road.

I love the weight and strength of it as I’m not remotely ‘skinny’ and needed something that would let a nearly 200 lb guy have a decent go at some MUni.

I am totally addicted to off-roading with the QU-aX now and my 29" Road Uni is not getting a lot of use :sunglasses:

I’m covering 500 miles of Unicycling this summer for Charity and I can feel that a LOT of it is going to take place on bridleways and single track, with occasional forays into insane downhills which I have discovered that I love.

I just cannot adequately describe how much I like my QU-aX :smiley: