Anyone get a saddle cover template to make your own with? or has anyone maybe got a spare broken saddle that they could take the cover off, cut apart/ unpic the different material shapes and scan them in with sizes?
Unfortuantly the saddle on my unicycle isnt looking so clever anymore, and the rubber has started perish / break. And i really dont want to risk pulling it apart if i cant put it back together again / end up breaking it beyond repair.
If anyone posts this up, i will make it into a PDF file and add proper sizes / a tutorial on how ot make it, just need the rough template first
The problem is they are all slightly different. But would love to get a template for the KH’s It’s a lot of fun doing a custom cover for a saddle. With all the ones I’ve done so far I’ve just stretched a single piece of fabric over the saddle which works, but is not the easiest to work with and on occasions leaves creases in some places.
I made my own cover out of denim a while back but it wore out quickly. I am going to make myself a new one soon but i don’t know where my old template is, i’ll put up some pics soon and see if i can track down the template for you.
Here are some pics of my home made cover. one of the harder parts of making the cover is getting the end pieces right, the kh seat uses elastic but i was too lazy to try that and ended up just cutting holes and using the bolts to secure it.
sorry for the triple post but i found the pattern that i used, it is quite rough and should only be used as a guideline. unfortunately the top piece doesn’t fit on one A4 sheet.
Brilliant cheers! Thats a good point what materials to use, but mines going to be mostly just a visual thing, to cover up the seat and protect the cover underneath