anyone from Maryland?

I was just wondering if there were any unicyclists in Maryland?

im a unicyclist in maryland

cool! im just starting out. what type of cycling you do? I live in Gaithersburg. i cant do much yet as I still have a broken arm but if you are interested, maybe later this spring wouldnt mind some pointers. I didnt know if there were any other people on unis round here. :smiley:

I don’t know who Mary is, but I sure wouldn’t mind frolicking through her land.
Giggity Giggity

My Maryland story: I am not allowed (legally) to drive in Maryland any more. Plead not guilty to a speeding ticket, blew off court. I am now willing to judge all Maryland cops on that one experience, and I assume they are all (refraining from dropping F-bomb here) jerks. Actually, based on a relativity small number of experiences (but a large number for someone my age, I think), I have pretty much the same opinion on cops in general, regardless of location.

Sorry about the tangent.

marylands not too bad but u cant skate on the streets, grrrrrrr. no toy vehicles! but if you behave, some laws can bend lol.

Gaithersburg is close enough to DC to come to the next DC meet up. Private Message me your email and we can add you to the list (Joey usually sends out a lot of event invites).

There are riders out in Germantown, College Park, and other places that are on the email list.

Sounds like a lot of people I know. Some of whom I will never get into a car if they’re driving. And you can drive in Maryland again if you want. All you have to do is go back and take care of your obligations there.

I know that sounds a little harsh, but we all have to use the same roads.

ok, email sent! thanx!

I am in Germantown. There are some nice muni trails here in Black Hill Park. I also ride distance, sometimes out to Sugarloaf mountain and back.