First off, NCOR is not a person, or an organization. So “NCOR” doesn’t have anything in mind.
NCOR is a confrence where people go to learn more about organizing and diffrent ways to resist.
Resist what? Resist society, resist the american government, resist racism, resist sexism, resist bigotry, resist conformity, resist generification.
Since I just got back from the event, I’ll be speaking in past tense from here on in:
There were about 2000 people that attended. Most were anarchists, probably a few socialists and marxists, and a few other political ideologies as well. No one was required to be any thing to attend.
NCOR was two days of workshops. This was my schedule of the one’s I went to:
Saturday, Feb. 4
9:00 - 10:00
Morning Yoga - MGC 200
10:00 - 11:30
Visual Artists as Agents of Social Change
11:40 - 1:10
Organizing in Rural Communities
1:20 - 2:50
Creative Media Organizing Part 2: Street Theater as a Media Tool
3:00 - 4:30
Permaculture, Anarchy and (anti)-Civilization
4:40 - 6:10
Beyond Anti-Capitalism: Strategies and Tools for Building a Solidarity Economy Summary
Sunday, Feb. 5
9:00 - 10:00
Positive Stretch: Moving With The Breath - MGC 200
10:00 - 11:30
Radical Sustainability for Autonomous Communities
11:40 - 1:10
Practicing Direct Action
1:20 - 2:50
Combating Genericana: A Perspective from the Midwest
3:00 - 4:30
Hidden Disabilities
4:40 - 6:10
Peak Oil Activism: Radical Sustainability, Earth Liberation, and Community Solutions for the Oil Endgame.
Goto the website I listed earlier to learn more.
I’m going to make a new topic about your question though.