Anyone dream in black & white?

All of my dreams (that I can remember, which is a considerable amount) are in color. Does anyone dream in black and white? I cannot remember a single dream that hasn’t been in color.

All (most? the ones I can remember after I wake up, anyway) of my dreams tend to be about normal, everyday happenings. Sometimes I am at school. Sometimes I am at work. Sometimes I am just with a couple of friends. I’ve noticed that the strangest dreams involve acquaintances (not especially ‘good’ friends, but just people I know or have seen lately). I have had a number of dreams that have ‘predicted’ things that have happened in the ‘future’, but normally they are just played off as regular dreams until the event happens and I remember the accompanying dream (I’ve had quite a few deja vu’s, but the numbers have declined in recent years).

input appreciated (esp. about b&w dreams)

not sure about the black in white, but almost all my dreams that I remember are of skateboarding or unicycling or unicycling or skateboarding stuff. I always dream of myself doing huge airs in halfpipes ect.

most of my dreams are fairly normal. in the ones i can remember i wake up just before i die which is kinda wierd. either that or just normal day happenings. ive never heard of or experienced black and white dreams.

My dog does…

I’ve only had one unicycling dream that I can remember. But I fell asleep watching Pleasantville once late at night and had a black and white dream. Most of my dreams are usually invovling me trying to do something illogical with an illogical reason, and everything moves very quickly so I never can tell myself I’m in a dream. I sleepwalk about once a week and sleeptalk all the time. I have plenty of video and family memories of it.

I used to sleepwalk a lot.
The weirdest time was the night that I got stitches in my leg after hitting a tree on a four-wheeler. Nobody in the house was strong enough to bring me upstairs, so I slept downstairs on a couch. I woke up in my bedroom (upstairs) and wondered for a moment if the entire ER incident had been a dream; needless to say, I realized that it wasn’t as soon as I tried to move and my leg seared with pain. (I couldn’t walk properly for about a Month.5 afterward, and even then I had crutches. So this was really a strange thing.)

I generally dream about normal everyday occurances (school, work, being at friends’ houses, etc.) and I very rarely realize that it is a dream.

I remember one dream where i was walking through the halls of my old highschool, looking at the various cliques and groups of people. I saw a friend, Michael, who had died recently (some say it was suicide, I’m not 100% sure though, as I hadn’t spoken with him in several months before it happened…) and realized that it wasnt a dream. I remember wearing a shirt in the dream that I have in real-life, except the shirt was purple instead of green, and it didn’t strike me as odd until I saw Mike with a group of people. I then walked towards the front of the school and saw my shirt being raised up on the flagpole. Next thing I know, I’m being chased down a hallway by a security guard because I no longer attended that school, and therefore wasn’t allowed there. I woke up almost immediately afterwards.

…strange dream, but I still remember most of it.

Another thing: I don’t see how many (or any) of my dreams could relate to real-world happenings, even though sometimes, I find, they do.

Though i’m not what you might consider a follower of Freudian ideaologies, I think some of his thoughts/ideas could be accurate (i.e. dreams reflect inner, sub/unconscious desires; id, ego, superego; etc.)

in response mostly to catboy’s post:
I’ve had several unicycling-related dreams. most involve me coasting with both feet on the crown - something I have yet to achieve. In the dreams, though, it seems so lifelike that I’m surprised when i wake up and I can’t coast :roll_eyes:

I’m quite severely colour-blind, and have had a few funky dreams where things have gone a bit weird.
Those tests with numbers made out of dots still catch me out.
The best dreams are flying dreams.
You ever get those? When you dream you can fly?
They’re ace. :smiley:
My personal favourite is where I have a magical flying tea-tray which I kneel on and I soar down the local streets shouting “Neeeeyaaaahhh!”
I guess you have to be there…

I’ve never had a dream where I’ve flown. It has been one of my biggest dreams (‘wishes’ would be a better word right here ) to fly unaided, so I am sure that I would remember such a dream.

I’d like to learn to lucid dream, but I can’t bring myself to start a written dream journal (which I hear is one of the first steps in being able to notify oneself that they are dreaming, and taking control of the dream). If I could lucid dream, I would fly :smiley:

Me too…I always wake up and wonder why I couldn’t figure out I was in a dream, because the stuff I was doing was so weird.

i dont think i’ve ever dreamt in black and white, and i’m not sure if i’e ever had a dream involving unicycles, but i have had a dream where i was flying unaided, just like superman. i flew from the top of a restaurant in portland to the rolling lawns of pineland in my hometown of new gloucester. most of my dreams are impossible, sometimes i REALLY wish i could remember everything about them, because they were so cool. in my dreams i never act/talk how i normally would in my waking life. i’va had lucid dreams before and i’m thinking about keeping a dream journal to increase these occurrences. i also know about color blindness, though it hasn’t effected the color of my dreams, there was a month or two back in 7th grade where i was diagnosed w/ bi-lateral optic neuritis (swelling of both of my optic nerves) first they thought it was a brain tumor, then they thought it was MS, but they gave me steroids to reverse the swelling, and for that period of time, i was completely color blind. it was so weird knowing that the people next to me could read those numbers and i had no idea what they said. but it’s all good these day. wow, that was a long post

Completely, like the world was in black and white?

You know, I think it’d be cool to be color blind, just for an hour or two, just to see what it’s like.

go outside at night when there is very little light polution (streetlamps, lights from people’s homes, etc) and everything is black and white.

as we all know, light = color.

it is one thing to see in black and white, but i think it would be entirely different to dream in black and white. i’m interested to know if anyone has.

no not like black and white, i guess i meant, for about a month i was color blind the whole time. reds were darker, it was around the beginning of the school year, so my mom gave me some folders for my papers and i looked at one of them and saw it as red, but it turned out to be orange.

I’d like to not be color defecient, just for an hour or two, so I cold see what some shades of green look like. :smiley: I’ve always wondered about it.
As far as I can remember I have never dreamed in black and white, but I have had unicycle dreams where I could do four foot jumps and I have dreamed about flying. And I have been told that I talk in my sleep often and very loud.

i dream in cartoons sometimes

I did that once. It was the strangest dream I think I ever had, and I can’t even remember what it was about. :roll_eyes:

it is definatley bizarre.
i think that it is on account of reading too many comic books when i was younger.
i still read calvin and hobbes and the far side alot though.
i love comics…

haha…but yea usually my dreams when i dream in comic format are very strange


I’ve always had perfect or better than perfect vision with perfect color. I’ve never known what it’s like to not be able to see or see color. I also have a friend who is High-contrast colorblind, so he sees pink, yellow, orange, light green, and other bright colors as grey.

I set up a video camera to run for a while to see if I did any sleepwalking and discovered i move around constantly while i sleep and talk, and occasionally go to the bathroom unknowingly, or walk around my room moving things or walking around the house. I’ve pissed on a lot of things too.

The weirdest thing that happens to me is sometimes I’ll sleepwalk and be conscious but unable to control myself because I am sleepwalking. I’ll clean or have nonsensical conversations. Eventually I just pass out somewhere ad think it was all a dream but wake up and find out otherwise.

Think you will ever post a video of you sleepwalking here? lol

I’d rather not, I sleep butt nekkid’ half the time, and the other half I don’t want internet petifiles to see me in(Foss, Childs!)…