I used to sleepwalk a lot.
The weirdest time was the night that I got stitches in my leg after hitting a tree on a four-wheeler. Nobody in the house was strong enough to bring me upstairs, so I slept downstairs on a couch. I woke up in my bedroom (upstairs) and wondered for a moment if the entire ER incident had been a dream; needless to say, I realized that it wasn’t as soon as I tried to move and my leg seared with pain. (I couldn’t walk properly for about a Month.5 afterward, and even then I had crutches. So this was really a strange thing.)
I generally dream about normal everyday occurances (school, work, being at friends’ houses, etc.) and I very rarely realize that it is a dream.
I remember one dream where i was walking through the halls of my old highschool, looking at the various cliques and groups of people. I saw a friend, Michael, who had died recently (some say it was suicide, I’m not 100% sure though, as I hadn’t spoken with him in several months before it happened…) and realized that it wasnt a dream. I remember wearing a shirt in the dream that I have in real-life, except the shirt was purple instead of green, and it didn’t strike me as odd until I saw Mike with a group of people. I then walked towards the front of the school and saw my shirt being raised up on the flagpole. Next thing I know, I’m being chased down a hallway by a security guard because I no longer attended that school, and therefore wasn’t allowed there. I woke up almost immediately afterwards.
…strange dream, but I still remember most of it.
Another thing: I don’t see how many (or any) of my dreams could relate to real-world happenings, even though sometimes, I find, they do.
Though i’m not what you might consider a follower of Freudian ideaologies, I think some of his thoughts/ideas could be accurate (i.e. dreams reflect inner, sub/unconscious desires; id, ego, superego; etc.)
in response mostly to catboy’s post:
I’ve had several unicycling-related dreams. most involve me coasting with both feet on the crown - something I have yet to achieve. In the dreams, though, it seems so lifelike that I’m surprised when i wake up and I can’t coast