Anybody surf?

Does anybody here surf. Like on a surfboard, in the ocean, on a wave?

Pft, I wish. I’ve always wanted to try it, just never lived conveniently close to a coast.

Where do you live?

In the USA, duhhhh.
jk, that wasn’t supposed to be mean.

Yeah…and I have 40-year-old video of it! :roll_eyes: And skateboarding too!

haha me:)

Were else would we ( the ones blesed with waves) surf. Now it is fun to moto surf. But i surf when i get the chance not vey good at it so it never became a big thing. id rather ride my uni on a wave.:smiley:

i do.

here in south florida the only really good waves come in the winter when the water is too cold for me to comfortably swim in (even with a spring suit).

the water at the beach was 84 degrees F today, and last week there were some amazing swells. warm water + 6ft glassy waves + light west wind = happy surfers.

I have a 7’10" fun-shaped FEVER, but on most days I prefer to use the 6’8" BAT.

what do you ride?

What length and brand of board do y’all ride? Also, how long a board should I get for my first beginner board? I’m new to surfing but I can trim and go down the line and then (sometimes) kick out.

I assume you mean short board:) I’d say 6’ nother shorter than 5’ 6".

I’m surfing right now-- the net, that is!

(Can’t believe someone didn’t say it sooner…)

i surf on a lake behind a boat… handle that

well, if he’s a beginner, a longer board would be easier to handle/balance on.

if you’re a beginner you definately dont want to get anything shorter than 5’6", but something you can easily duck dive would be nice. I can duck dive my 7’10", but only if i use my foot to push down on the back end of the board.

a lot of people say that a board that is 1 foot taller than you are is ideal. I don’t know what the limit on this is, but I’m 6’5" and i prefer a board that is the same length as me (give or take an inch or two)

He kinda made that joke unusable with his explicit definition of ‘surfing’ in the OP.

You know, I read that after I posted it. I’m a firm believer in sticking with bad jokes until the bitter end, or I would have edited my post.

I surfed, then moved to Tassie. No board, lack of waves and me forgetting how prevent me from taking it up again, at least not till moving back to the mainland next year.

I’ve got like 3 surfing T-shirts, alas I’ve never surfed. I really want to try, though. Is it difficult? I was thinking about it the other day. Can’t really surf around here, as there aren’t any big waves.

I’ve done some wind-surfing and really enjoyed that.

I enjoy windsurfing more, i can do that without waves, then sailing a cat(ermaran) kicks the arse off them all.

I thought you pedalled those? I used to pedal them on lakes and stuff. Although, I prefer boats. I’ve crushed my pinky twice with an oar.

i surf, well sort of. i got given a surfboard designed in by Tony M(something). i dont know much about surfboards but i met a guy at the beach one time and he told he worked with Tony and that the board i have was one of two in the world and apparently they are really good. it sort of has a simialar deisng to this but with a third fin:

i have always wanted to surf. My dad has a surf board from when he was a teenager but it is at his friends ex wifes house. He said that the next time we go to my grandparents house aka the beach we can rent some and go surf