am i the only one wondering if bruce and the lads have dissapeared off the face of our one-wheeled earth?
does anybody have any contact with them?
Bruce is about and has even posted here within the last couple of weeks. He is getting ready for the Midwest Regionals ( ), still looking for work, and generally enjoying his family, I believe.
Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ
kewl, thanx
good to know they’re still around
I’ve been wondering the same.
Hi all,
JJ speaks the truth. I am around but on a hiatus from the newsgroup for a number of reasons, none of which has anything to do with any of my fine friends here. We have been extremely busy preparing for Regionals among other things.
I am still unemployed and spending time on that project but if the truth be known, I’m not sure how I ever found time to work for a living before . But I know there is critical time coming by which I must be back among the employed. So keep me in your thoughts and prayers as we wade through this time as best as we can.
Be back soon,
Best of luck from all of us in your job search, Bruce
Yeah it’s nice to have lots of time to spend on projects the you know are worthwhile.
Unfortunately, one has to eat.
Bruce, hope to see much of you in the gallery after this weekend. Post lots of pics.
I started posting on RSU during my period of unemployment and you’ve taken some time off. You may be the wiser.
It seems like everyone that gets layed off uses the time to paint the house, I hope you found better things to do.
Sounds like your going to have a great weekend.
ohh, pictures of many will be taken…