anybody frisbee?

does anyone here frisbe? either ultimate, golf, freestyle, or just rec? i have recently gotten into it, and its soooooo fun! i love it! i need a new frisbee though, cuz iv got a cheapo promotional frisbee from some bank or something, and its cracked.

Yeah we play ultimate at school sometimes and on the beach in summer. It is pretty awesome.

I don’t play it regularly, but Ultimate Frisbee is freakin sweet!! I love it.

dude next to hackey sack… its one of he most realxing forms of chill summer night entertainment… yeah it rocks


i really didnt know that frisbee was a serious sport til i googled it

i feel bad:(

yeah… but thats what people say about unicycling to… so its all good


I used to play for a school team. Actually, when I quit they went to win in Europe…


school team?

Both my older brothers play the sport in their university teams. My oldest is in the Australian squad and all he does is live and breathe the sport. When i go and visit him we always have a few rounds of disc golf- or go and train with his team. I like the sport a fair bit and will most likely play it when i go to Uni next year.

I play for my highschool team, along with tyler and kyle (snufillufagus and Sugarloafur) it’s pretty sweet, our team name is FU, for Freeport Ultimate, or…

heres a cool video of ultimate and some freestyle

I used to play “pick up” games of ultimate and disc golf in my high school & college days. When ever I do throw disc I remember how fun it is and think I should do more but don’t. :thinking:

We have a very good disc golf course close to our house, I’ve done Muni/Trials on the park trails but never played the course. Would be a fun uni event.

I’m sure you’re all familiar with Frisbianism:

A Frisbian believes that life is a cosmic ultimate Frisbee game where the teams are the forces of good and evil and you souls are the Frisbees. All Frisbees are always in play. A Frisbian does not believe in heaven or hell, they just believe when you die your soul goes up on the roof and you can’t get it down.

When I was a young teen, we used to play a game we called “illimination,” which was kind of like everyone for themselves dodgeball with several frisbees and no official boundaries (except for the schoolyard).

Has anyone played with Aerobies? We used to throw those around too and use them to play 500. (Each catch is worth a certain amount of points; first to 500 wins.)

i play disc golf 1-5 times a week… usually around two… i have two tones in my yard, so i putt a ton… but im still really bad

the world record for throwing a disc for distance was set with one: 1’500 something feet

ah yes … frisbees …

I remember when they were invented … they even had comercials on T.V.

… my last dog was the best frisbee player.

… he did tricks no human could ever do … :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve played in ultimate tournaments for 23 years, since spring, 1983. I’ve played in 4 different US regions (out of 6), and my current “team” has played in one Nationals (we lost), and a couple Worlds, where we finished middle of the pack.

Disc Golf is fun, too, but now I unicycle.

i play some disc golf, my cousin is a professional disc player he is really fun to play with

Thats a sport by itself,isn’t it? I think even the discs are specially made for the dogs to catch. I think that’s really cool.

I love to frisbee, but have always found it difficult to find a partner. There are many people who just can’t throw a frisbee that well!

Im starting to disk golf. World’s Biggest Diskgolf weekend is the weekend after next, and Im going out to that event in ottawa.