Anybody able to identify this uni?

I know it’s a Nimbus 20" trials, but year? generation? components? Thanks!


It would be cool if there were some listing of the models over the years, like Sponge just posted for the KH20 here.

I picked up a used, low end trials uni that I assume is a club or nimbus basic model (no stickers or anything with a brand name on it anymore) - but it’s hard to figure out more than that. Mine looks similar to the one above, but with cotterless cranks and stamped metal bearing holders, and a Luna tire on what looks like an alex dx32 rim.

Nimbus II frame, Nimbus Venture cranks, Creepy Crawler tire, might well be a Dominator rim… You can still get all of them from Maybe someone recognizes that color scheme as being sold complete in a certain year. It could as well have been built up from parts over a pretty wide range of years, or had pieces replaced as needed.

Cotterless, DX32, Luna… That sure sounds to me like an
There don’t seem to be many (any?) other sources for Lunas these days. I’ve been looking at them, and been tempted.

Ooh, that’s it! Awesome.

It would probably self destruct if I used it for real trials, but it’s been great for practicing stuff like riding backwards or one foot. The Luna tire seems like a good one for doing non-trials on a trials rim, pretty hard rubber and lots of it.

It came with a short knurled steel seatpost that I replaced with a longer alum one; other than that I’m riding it the way it came. It’s low end, but not junk.

Cool. Yeah, I’ve beaten the heck out of my basic 20" Avenir DLX for six months and haven’t made a dent in it yet. It’s nothing fancy but apparently solid enough.

I gather from old forum messages that trials bicycle riders didn’t care too much for the Luna but like many things it became curiously popular with unicyclists. And lots of people rode DX32s. That seems like a nice rim/tire combo. I’ll be interested how it does for you. Have fun with it!