Im 15, just gettin into unicycling, just got my new uni (nimbus trials) and have been goin nuts on it for a few days. im nearly lvl 3 and want someone to ride with. into mostly trials stuff, but ive neva seem any1 else on a uni in sydney (besides clowns).
So if any1 lives in sydney and interested in muckin around…yeh. Email me or i have MSN
gday hoop,
I’m from Bathurst and ride trials and muni- if your ever in the region give me a yell ( having someone to ride with accelerates your learning and makes it allot more fun as well- get one of your friends to take it up as well!
Don’t Forget Me. David Mason from Toronto NSW Lake Macquarie.
Hi Hoop. I’m From Lake Macquarie and Sometimes on a daily basic or whenever I’m in Sydney for a few days or so. I’m not much into trails mainly Street riding or Basic Riding. I haven’t got Internet at home but I’m mainly use the computers at my Salvation Army Community Church here at Westlakes (Toronto). When I get Internet back on at home, We’ll get regular post here.
Glad you with us Mate, good luck.