Any Yo-Yo Throwers?

I wanted to know if you can yoyo while riding? I’ve seen a few videos of people doing that, but they were all idling. I want to know if you can actually ride while yoyoing?

That sounds like fun. I got to try it. Might even be a good way to improve unicyling

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Juggling can be done while riding a unicycle. Which is what I had my eyes on first. Juggling is very good for the brain! I need that. Then I saw a yoyo trick on YouTube and I was hooked.

Having had shoelace accidents, I think you’d have to be careful to not get the string caught at the crank or hub.

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Oh, I wouldn’t try it unless I was a skilled rider. If I don’t feel like I can do that, I will turn to juggling.

Nobody? Hmmm. I posted the same question on the yoyo forum. Nobody seems to do it there either. If I can ever pull it off I am going be the coolest guy in town. :sunglasses:

Ah, ha! I found videos! They are doing diablos though, and not yoyos. I assume that if you can do a diablo on a unicycle, then you can do a yoyo.