anyoen here play world of warcraft?
Scryers - Daminus 70H Druid
Daplus 13H Pally
dont waste your time playing computer games, spend ur time on your uni
Yeah and when you’re done with that, find a way to convert your unicycle onto WoW.
Meh, I think WOW is just plain sad. I grew out of computer games when I was thirteen and stopped playing runescape. I just think people who play computer games addictively have consistently no life - well I know I didn’t when I played Runescape anyway.
Spend the time on your unicycle intsead. I have two friends who I have tought to ride, they have been doing it about the same time as me but they can still only just hop up a curb. When ever I call on them to go out riding they always seem to busy playing on there computers, on WOW. They have got nothing from it and have just wasted there time wereas I have alot more to show for my time. If they spent the same amount of time riding as they did playin WOW they would both be awesome, they even admitted it.
I play wow only to relieve boredom at night. I am not obsessed with it. I ride my uni during the day, play games at night. In fact, i’m about to head out for a distance uni ride…maybe be gone for a few hours. so there!
I play WoW on the weekends on a private server with my friends for a few hours. We basically just talk and get stress-relief from killing stuff. We don’t spend massive amounts of time ONLY playing WoW every second.
There’s basically 2 types of gamer-
I fall into the second category. I enjoy the occasional Halo 3 splurge, and sometimes playing computer games.
Runescape FTL though… that game takes no skill, just the amount of time you sit there clicking something. PKing is the only thing that requires skill.
i have freinds that play world of war craft/runescape and its all they talk about. im like cmon guys. i play about once a month to make them happy
Video games are for chumps.
Yeah one of my friends picked up world of warcraft like a year ago and I seriously haven’t spoke to him since then. It ruins lives. Anyways I’m a level 35 dungeon master.
i dont play video games, with the exception of when Project UNI comes out:D . the newest "system i have is PS1 and haven’t touched it since last March! I play some online games< like and such during super boring school study halls and free periods though, when i dont have any HW:p
I recently made my playstation 2 into a remote control car. I will youtube a video when i get a compuet again. I can sit it by the TV and when someone walks in and goes to turn it on i drive it backwards a bit under the table I havn’t as yet worked out how to get the controls into the playstation controller.
As for WOW. i play ever now and then. It was good back when i was working two jobs because during the week it gave me something to do that didn’t involve to much thinking, i spent most of the time in trade channel telling people that a GM would so beat Chuck Norris. My card time thing ran out a few months ago though and i havn’t bought a new one. It is just a game…