Thanks. BTW, JJuggle, is a person from Matawan called a Matawanian? I’ve passed through Matawan by train going to Little Silver, NJ. The train’s conductor said, “Matawan Matawan Matawan.” My dad and I thought that was interesting that sometimes they don’t just say the town, they also have fun with it.
I must confess that I haven’t the foggiest idea what the adjectival form of Matawan is. We have lived here for fourteen years. About 2 or 3 years into our residency here we got a call from a cemetery plot salesman for a new cemetery that was being established nearby. While I was on the phone my wife told me to tell him that “over her dead body would she die and be buried in or near Matawan.”
my lbs is gonna have a uniday soon i thought id post that here, mostly street an trials
A person from Matawan is called a weinerhead.
Did you know that Massachusetts is the only state in which it is illegal to put trousers on a goat?
Which is why I can never go back.
Na awww!!! Really? I’ve read some bazaar laws such as it is forbidden to eat watermelon in the park in Beech Grove, Indiana. Now as to how much these really stupid laws are enforced I guess depends on how unoccupied the police are with more important engagements. Yes, perhaps, vanpaun, we can ride.
After this week i’m up for a ride.
Skatepark?! What? where?
Oh, no I’m pretty sure they haven’t begun construction on that…
I’ve ridden with him but I don’t believe he frequents the forums. I’m in contact by email with him though - hes a pretty cool guy.
Brian O. and vanpaun, I’m headed up to Boston on Thursday and will be staying one night in a hotel in Waltham before heading to Brandeis University. The point is I’ll be closer to you guys in 2 days!!
Well, I’ve been at Brandeis for one month now and have yet been able to ride a unicycle. However, I joined the Brandeis Juggling Society and it has one unicycle, so YAYYYY!!! Unfortunately it’s not optimal size for juggling (it’s a 24"), but nonetheless it’s the same size unicycle I have back home! During the first meeting I went to, I learned to juggle clubs in 1.5 hours.
I’ve dusted off my unicycle for the season and want to start getting out more. My local favorite is single- and doubletrack in the middlesex fells. I also ride close to home near harvard square and fresh pond. It would be great to meet more people to ride with!
bristlecone, I go to college in Waltham. I’m part of the Juggling Society at my college and we requested money from the school to pay for a new 20" unicycle and we got approved. How awesome!! I get to store it in my room and ride it whenever I like. Even better!!! Do you know any not-so-crowded areas around Cambridge or Metro Boston good for unicycling?
Hey there, we should definitely ride sometime when I’m back at school in the fall. I might have seen you riding a few weeks ago when I was visiting a friend near Harvard Square / Somerville. If it was you, you were on a nimbus 24" unicycle I think and the girl I was with told you she unicycles.
Not me - there must be more of us than we think! There’s also a guy who rides his unicycle while pushing a small child in a stroller - with hand-made extensions for the stroller handle to accommodate the height of a unicycle rider. I have always seen him at a distance so never had the chance to chat (I try to avoid running across streets shouting ‘wait! wait! I want to meet you!’)
Aquaman - well done on the unicycle financing. I’m sure that there are all kinds of challenges to be had in prospect hill park in waltham, not sure about the rules on trail use though. The fells are great, lynn woods is my longer-term goal. Closer in Boston/Cambridge, the river paths and street riding can be good. Fresh Pond has good paved riding and very limited trails, and danehy park near alewife has a grassy hill (former dump) that is fun for a while. Riding downtown on a quiet early Sunday morning is a treat.
I’ll probably try to get out muni-ing in the fells some early afternoon (~3:30) next week - let me know if any of you are interested.