any unicyclists in kippax leeds or garforth ?????

hey any unicyclists out there that live in kippax or garforth or anwear in leeds ?

I live just south of Manchester in a lovely little scally infested hamlet called Macclesfield. But I go to Leeds and Sheffield fairly regularly to watch gigs and I have friends at university in both Leeds and Sheffield. Next time I’m heading up that way I’ll give you a shout and perhaps we could meet up for a bit of a ride etc.


might as well bump it while i’m here

Scally-infested? Macclesfield? No, my friend, have you never been into Stockport, or even “stocky”?

Stockport is about 5 miles down the road…And scale wise Macc is certainly comparable to stockport.


recently read this book
u gents should get hold of it and settle this argument

Now look what you made me do… I had to go and look, and Stockport is indeed rather high up.

I’m up there all next week, on my tod. Erm… yay?


If you fancy meeting up next week whilst you’re in Sunny Stockport then let me know. Because it’s literally 5 minutes down the road, and it’d be cool to go and mess with the heads of the local “intelligencia” with a bit of trials-y streets-y hopping about in the town centre. Macclesfield’s a bit saturated with unicyling thanks to my goodself and it doesn’t cause so much of a stir anymore.
Anyhoo give us a shout if a bit of scally head messing sounds appetising.


my gosh! so am i!

well, not all on my tod, and i don’t think I’ll be taking a unicycle…

Very tempting indeed. I was going to take the 29er for a bit of a zoom around, but in that case I might have to chuck the trials in the boot too. I hope work don’t mind me filling up one of their cars with unicycles… :slight_smile:


now i have to ask
what’s ‘tod’?

loosely translated, being “on your tod” or “on your billy” both mean you have no friends :smiley: