I’ve heard that there is a club in New Orleans, but someone told me that there used to be a club around the Baton Rouge area. Does anyone know if this is true and if so, does it still exist? If anyone knows of any other clubs in LA or MS please let me know.
Hello Coler…
Where are yoi?
Baton Rouge?
I’m near Lake Charles and would love to ride with someone, although if you are riding a 36 for an hour non-stop, you would find my skills quite lacking.
I do have a (non-unicycle) friend in Baton Rouge and could go there for some riding.
What kind of riding are you doing?
I live near Baton Rouge and I do some Muni at some trails kept up by BREC and the Baton Rouge Mountain Biking Association, and a little trials around my house (jumped on my first picnic table yesterday). Im still in high school and don’t have my license yet, so i don’t really get to go anywhere to ride that often. I was hoping that I could find out about some clubs in some nearby citys because my parents would love to bring me somewhere with a large group of riders.
I ride a 20" Torker LX (hoping to buy a 24" Nimbus Muni later this year) What kind of unicycle do you ride? and is there anybody by you that you ride with?
Oh GEE! You are way past my skill level. I won’t be jumping off a picnic table anytime soon! I ride a Torker 24". Started on a Torker 20". I have a Torker 26" but haven’t done much with that one yet. I’m 59, a “girl,” and I ride a mile in about 15 minutes (not very fast).
There used to be a map here where you could find other unicyclists. If I recall, I was the only one on the map in Louisiana. There are a few in East Texas. Since I am in Southwest Louisiana, I didn’t pay a lot of attention to how many were in Mississippi.
I’ve decided Louisiana is not an ideal unicycling environment. It’s HOT with all that gear on in the summer, and there are no hills or trails to speak off. None that I know of near here. Tunica Hills in Baton Rouge might be good…or near the University.
At any rate, pleased to meet you Coler. That’s one more Louisiana unicyclist! (To sort of quote GILD). I hope you find a good riding partner. So far, all of my riding friends are on this forum, but surely there are some riders in Baton Rouge even if they haven’t found this forum.
It would be exciting to see some other posters from Louisiana!
Happy riding to you Coler!