Any teeth grinders here?

I find that often when I’m deep in thought, or concentrating hard on something, that I slowly grind my teeth unintentionally. Which is bad, and I need to be aware of it and stop it. But at least I don’t do it while I’m sleeping, that’s really bad.

Anyone else have this problem? Any ways you’ve found to combat it?

Yea I have the same exact problem you do and I am not sure of the fix :confused:

I guess being aware of it is a good start. I do stop myself pretty often.

I would think things like gum would help, but then I’d be one of those annoying gum chewers.

Are you sure you don’t have this problem at night? I do this too and wearing a night guard fixed the problem (at least at night). My dentist designed a night guard that was custom fit to my teeth and insurance (VSP) paid for 80% of the cost. I initially got a guard at a drug store but I found it so uncomfortable that I stopped wearning it. Wearing the night guard during the day is not really an option since you cannot talk easily when your wearning it. I also occasionally grind my teeth during but this turned out to be a minor problem compared to my grinding at night. I would suggest talking to your dentist.

I’m not positive, but I’ve never woken up with jaw pains or anything. I sleep extremely deeply. I don’t even dream… Well of course I dream… but I have absolutely no memory of even having one. About once or twice a year I remember a dream I had, and that’s it. I know that teeth grinding runs in my family.

I have never had any jaw pain from my grinding and I also sleep deeply so I was not aware of the problem until my dentist pointed it out to me. He could see that I was wearing away the surface of my teeth.

A good bit of information. It is a recently occurring thing, so I would imagine it would be very difficult for my dentist to know that it is happening. I wonder what sort of ways there are to monitor if I’m doing it while I’m sleeping.

I grind peoples teeth using my pedal. Some people use their cranks but I think the pedal is better.

I don’t see how that makes any kind of sense what so ever… :thinking: :thinking:

It’s a street trick.
You know… you get about 20 or so people to rest their chins on a railing with their mouths open. Then you grind like normal.

Watch out for the wiseguy with braces. :stuck_out_tongue:

i sometimes clinch my teeth a lot, rather than grind. in situations where i’m like nervous or somethin, maybe mad.

Good question. I had been grinding my teeth for years so it was easy for my dentist to notice. In any case I bet your dentist would be your best resource and could probably help you to determine if you are grinding your teeth at night.

I’m a Certified Dental Technician and I’m the one who makes the mouth guard the Dentist supplies to the patient. As well as crowns, bridges and implant restorations.

If you’re noticing tooth grinding, Bruxism, a mouth guard may save you a lot of trouble down the road. Bruxism can be a associated with TMJ, Temporal Madibular Joint disfunction. Mainly, the mouth guard will save your precious enamel and postpone more costly reconstructive procedures.


hahah thanks for that clearing that up :smiley: :sunglasses: