I’m in high school and did an outdoors program for the first half of grade 11. When I got back to school, people started to notice that my backpack smells like pot. I’ve never smoked before, or had the stuff in my bag. It’s annoying because some people think that I’m a stoner now, which I’m not.
Anybody have any ideas on why my bag smells like weed, or how to get rid of the smell? One of my friends said that it might have been a skunk or something, could that have done it?
just plop one of them smelly car things in your bag…you kno the ones that look like little trees or lemons. i use them in my shoes and then they dont smell. change it every month or so in your case…depends on how mcuh pot you have in your bag as to how well it will work. ahahhahahaha sorry im j/k but the car thing works.
Don’t give then the respect of a response. Only the stoners and those associating with stoners know what it smells like, and they are trying to bring you down to their level.
you will be known by the company you keep, and your REAL actions.
Why do you care what people think anyway? I get people asking me about weed all the time because I’m a unicyclist. If anyone asks just tell them you’re not into that. They will leave you alone. I, on the other hand try my best to hook them up.