My stepson just introduced me to slack-lining. It’s something he’s gotten into with his college buddies and now that I’ve been introduced to it, I’ve been noticing slack lines all over town. Seems to be very popular here. We set it up at a park downtown and in the course of an hour we had at least 4 different people come up to us and ask us if they could walk on our line. They all had obviously done this before (not a one of them asked if they could try my unicycle though). I’ve only gone out with him twice to set up the line and try to walk it and compared to him, I suck but I think I’ll get it pretty quickly with just a little practice. I can walk a few steps on it but can’t turn around on it yet. Stepson’s been at it a while and is quite comfortable and relaxed as he walks back and forth and turns around easily. He has this great mount where he runs at the line, leaps into the air and lands it without problem. Anyway, fun, fun, fun and it’s seems like a natural thing for unicyclist to do. Who else has done this?
Here’s a link to Nathan’s pictures from last weekend. Check out pics 38-41.
WOw i saw a slack lining guy walk acros a canyon on one, and he was jumpin up and stuff and usin hte spring on it, thta stuff is cool!
Lloyd from CMW has one. A good friend(also a unicyclist) has one. And I’ve been known to walk slackwire from time to time.