Any serious musicians?

Along this line: My mother graduated in 1948 with a degree in piano. She retired a few years ago from a position as the Executive Director (the business side) of the Memphis Symphony Orchestra. Things take you where they take you. If you’re intellegent and enthusiastic and interested, you’ll find a good path.

PS I’m a hobbyist guitarist. I played twice on stage, each time with a partner (once with a player once with a singer). Both were 20+ years ago. Won both competitions. Got $25 for one and free beer for the other. Retired undefeated.

I have played harmonica for about 30 years. I play in the first position, mainly folk music either for Morris dancing or for performance in folk clubs.

I can knock a tune out of a 2 row melodeon, and I also own a 1 row, which is a very different beast to play. More fun, but harder.

My main musical effort these days goes into the Anglo concertina. I have a G/D 30 key Marcus. Again, the emphasis is on Morris music and folk, and I play in the English style with chorded accompaniment.

I also sing traditional (mainly English) folk song and perform in pub sessions and at folk clubs. I write a few of my own songs too.

I can just about get a simple tune out of a trumpet, and I used to play drums/percussion in a ceilidh band. I failed miserably at guitar.