Any sayings you wish ot question or update?

Excuse my language but:
Fighting for peace is like **** for virginity.

So fighting for peace is kind of futile, but still fun?

It sounds like something young men would sign up for.
Which side where those protesters on?

My parents are maried for " …as long as the Lord in His wisdom grants them the ability". 36 years so far.

[QUOTE=gkmac"Life begins at 40". It doesn’t, it begins at zero years old, when you are born.

And I thought we could make ONE thread free of politics…

Billy dear, if it’s not too much trouble, would you mind taking a few extra seconds to proofread the titles of your threads before you create them? I’ve noticed a few typos lately, and it’s always best to address this sort of thing before it becomes a trend. That old saying that applies to meeting people applies also to thread titles: “You only have one chance to make a good first impression.”

Given the care and thinking you so clearly put into all these new threads, why undermine your potential impact with a careless mistake in the title?

Thank you dear!


A “little” off-topic, but you literally are what you eat – at the molecular and cellular level. Eat foods high in trans fats and polyunsaturated fats and those fats will end up in your cell membranes (where, say, saturated fatty acids would have been preferred as cell membrane material). Each cell requires the intake of nutrients and fuel and the elimination of waste products. Proper cell membrane permeability and stiffness are required – and are affected by the fats that comprise the cell membrane. The foods you eat are the building blocks for your body. The wrong foods can negatively affect the functioning of your body at the cellular level. How can it function as a complex system if each cell can’t even live effortlessly and do its job effectively? This is the genesis of disease. Nutrition is everything. Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

Very sorry to post something so heavy, but you trampled on one of my all-time favorite (and sacred) sayings. :slight_smile: But I forgive you – after all, you seem pretty smart for a mashed potato. :slight_smile:

You mean "if at first you don’t succeed try, try again until you DO succeed?

naw, ****ing for virginity doesn’t make any sense, because if you ****, you have no virginity, likewise, if you fight, you have no peace.

[QUOTE=cathwood"Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness". No actually, it’s the only chance I get for decent conversation. :smiley:


My variation on that is:
“It’s lonely at the top… That’s why I talk to myself.”

Wow, Uni57 and Miss A posting again.

So far I think Cathy’s talking-to-herself one is the funniest.

I hate it when professors/people in general say “In the real world…” I guess that I am living in the matrix or some kind of fake world right now.

“Happy as a clam.” which always confused me til I read somewhere that the original saying was “Happy as a clam at high tide.”

I tend to truncate sayings myself, like:

“You and I are two peas.” (…in a pod)

or “I can kill two birds.” (…with one stone) to which a British Guyanan co-worker replied, “Why do you want to kill birds?”

a picture is worth a thousand words.

a word is worth a million pictures.

On idling or perhaps on being idle:

If you can do it why bother? If you can’t, why try?


Dearest Miss A,

In your recent post in “Any sayings you wish ot question or update?”, you misquoted an “old saying” when berating poor Billy about his practice of proofreading.

The actual saying goes “You only have one chance to make a first impression.”

If you qualify “first impression” with the word “good”, or any word, you’re implying that you may have multiple chances to make a first impression. This creates a paradox, unless you know some obscure definition of “first”.

Miss A, what I’m really trying to say is, while you may have a few loyal fans, Billy has hundreds, if not thousands, more. You really shouldn’t f*** with Billy. Thanks.


Spoken like a true Zappa fan!! :smiley:

Going by Google, the expression, “you only get one chance to make a first impression” results in twice as many hits as “you only have one chance to make a first impression”. So you got it wrong too. :wink:

However, that notwithstanding, I don’t see how modifying “first impression” with “good” or any other word creates the impression that more than one first impression can be made. It merely states, “if a good first impression is what you want to make, you only get once chance.” It doesn’t suggest that more than one first impression can be made and so there is nothing paradoxical about it.

And furthermore, I’d suggest you show a lady a little respect.

Any qualification indicates there is a more general case… “good first impression” is more specific than “first impression”… i.e. there are many types of “first impressions” but only one type of “good first impression”… which leads to the paradox… there is only one first impression but many types of first impressions. Maybe that only makes sense to me…

…which is okay 'cause the universe is only a figment of my imagination and it only needs to make sense to me.

I’m suggesting the lady show Billy her utmost respect. Don’t nobody f*** around with Billy!

edit: I mean no disrespect to the lady or her fans. But woe be to him that f***s with Billy!

Maestro dear, it was not my intent to disrespect Billy. I hold him in highest regard. I was simply making a suggestion on how he could improve the overall impact of his messages, while also ensuring his threads can make the strong first impression he intends.

As for your other point, I’m quite aware that a mountain is something you don’t want to f*** with. You don’t want to f*** with a mountain at all. I don’t f*** with Billy, and I don’t f*** with Ethel. I saw what happened to the guy with the flies.


The guy with the flies was here in Sep 2005?

I overlooked this one earlier… there are a few explanations for this one… see the following links: on buying the farm
The Phrase Finder’s explanations

How I first heard the phrase was in a flight simulation game (Chuck Yeager’s or something thereabouts). When you crashed your plane into some poor farmer’s land, you ended up “buying the farm”… the explanation lies in the above links.