Any other unicyclists near Sandpoint Idaho?

Just looking for some people to ride with. :roll_eyes:

I take that to mean no.

I saw a unicyclist in Sanpoint once though it may have been you… I’m near Spokane.

It could have been me, But I know of at least three other people that unicycle in sandpoint, so it could have also been one of them. What kind of unicycle was he riding?

I have no clue.

I play shows at the Downtown Crossing every now and then. Next time I’m in town, I’ll try and show up early and maybe we could shred a bit.


Ohh thanks UNI, hopefully this statement is true,…

AS who really loves to ride a Unicycle…?

Fun. Free-wheeling. Fantastically entertaining. Unicyclists capture attention because they seemingly do the impossible. From balancing on a single wheel while pedaling to juggling, stunts and more, a unicyclist keeps guests of all ages entertained. Need something clever for your next event?


looks like a spam bot.

I’m in Missoula MT – relatively close on a grand scale, although I’ve never actually been to Sandpoint.

Well if you ever come to Sandpoint, and want someone to ride with, let me know. :smiley: