Thought I would ask…
Will there be a test to get in?
I would really like to go to Disney World but already burned up my vacation time at NAUCC.
I am eligible, but from everything I’ve gathered Mensa seems to be group of elitest pricks.
So completely wrong there. And typical of the rabid reaction seen from many of those who THINK they could get in, but in reality probably could not. The real Mensa test fair steams the brain. Have you actually taken a Mensa test and passed? If so did you join? If not how can you judge them fairly? Did you take a Cattell test: That used to be the one Mensa used, and if I remember the entry mark was around 150.
Mensa often, as a recruitment drive, put little teasers into newspapers. Sadly the level of those teasers appears to be very low when compared to the real supervised test. Some take them, do well and assume themselves to be eligible.
I shall not be attending the world gathering, my membership lapsed financially a few years ago. But my experiences as a member, and with friends who have remained as members have all been positive. I have seen no signs of them flaunting their intelligence. Most seem quite normal and very pleasant people, mixed with a few much needed eccentrics of course, and they enjoy normal everyday things, the pub, walks, conversation, good food. They would certainly think before branding other groups in the way that you have done. There may well be the odd elitist in there, proud of his grey matter, but most would be unlikely ever to mention Mensa in company unless pressed.
Perhaps you might like to provide some hard evidence for your conclusion?
All the men in my family on my fathers side, including my brother and I are Mensans, and we recieve many books a year from Mensa full of all sorts of logical mayhem. My grandfather is the only active Mensan, or I so I think. And I still rub it in my fathers face that he took the test 3 times before passing, and my brother and I passed on the first try.
I guess I would like to try, but I’m not really sure, are there any ways I could practice and get better?
I already took that practice thing that unibrier linked to but I didn’t do very good.
That’s interesting
I believe you get one and only one try at their test. They do accept people who have shown ability on other standardized tests, but at present there is only one shot going through them.
I didn’t want to start a major discussion of the merits or faults of Mensa, just if there would be any attendees from this forum.
This seems (for the most part) to be an exceptional group of people, and I though there would be some cross-over.
I spent the first 30 years of my life coping with my intelligence. I don’t think I could stomach hanging around a bunch of folks so fixated on their I.Q. they need to test it, compare it, join a club about it.
Since I decided to put more weight in pathos and ethos and have deepmhasized logos, life is richer and has more meaning to me. I guess its a good thing they have a club. Maybe they can leave us alone!
Both daughters no doubt qualify. They’ve been off the charts on all standardized tests they’ve ever taken The oldest was nominated to be a Fulbright Scholar. She’s fond of telling folks her dad qualified for a “Halfbright”. Obviously their mother is pretty bright.
I believe my IQ is somewhere around room temperature…
Yes, I have taken the official Mensa test and passed, but their literature made me not want to join. The very idea of making an exclusive membership based on IQ is elitest. But even the wording in those newspaper teasers was snobbish. The fact that Catboy rubs it in his father’s face that he was able to pass the test proves my point. But I guess it wasn’t really the Mensa test that proves yours.
So yeah it was definitely not for me. Personally I like the sense of superioirty of being the smartest one in the group. Who would want to ruin that by being around people as smart as you are?
I hear ya, Nao. Our unicycling club gets the same reaction from outsiders. We are a very diverse Unitics.
How’s the diversity of Mensa? IQ tests have long been held to have racial bias, so I thought I’d ask.
What is Mensan???
What is Mensan???
Mensa, It is for smart people, you need to take an IQ test and get 98th percentile or better.
What kind of tests do they use for the real test?
Is it all what’s-the-next-number and what’s-in-the-9’th-square like the tests in the papers?
There are very many organizations that only allow memberships to people who fulfill the qualifications…is the NFL elitest for only taking on people that are good at [American] football? Just because they have qualifications does not make them elitest…
My mom bought me a MENSA puzzle book once awhile ago (it was back in maybe 4th grade)…I barely understood any of the logical puzzles…I haven’t tried anything since then though.
There are very many organizations that only allow memberships to people who fulfill the qualifications…is the NFL elitest for only taking on people that are good at [American] football? Just because they have qualifications does not make them elitest…
Well, considering they will PAY YOU, I don’t think that’s a real arguement.
Many ‘clubs’ require you to pass a test, two which come to mind are both boating organizations (in the U.S.). You take their prescribed boating safety course, and apon passing, you can be asked if you want to join the group.
Both the U.S.Power Squadron and the Coast Guard Auxillary work this way.
They are eitest in that after you’ve passed their required test, they still have the option of not asking you to join.
There have been court casses where this was challenged and the group had to allow membership, in that district.
I was a member of one of the two mentioned groups but quit when I was at an officers’ meeting and realized they were stratigizing on what possible loophole they could find to not let certain people in.
So that group was elitest. Also racist. (At least in my area…)
Still I only asked a simple question (actually two simple questions).
But by this point I think even a Mensan would be foolish to raise their hand!
Hmmm…good point. :o
But what about your organizations? The Coast Guard is a U.S. thing, and the other one sounds like it. They have to follow the U.S.'s rules, which is why they lost the court case. Is Mensa a private club? I’ve always thought it was, but tell me if I’m wrong.
Why? Only one person has spoken out against them so far…
Possible unicycling equivalents of this might be an international meet of only level 10 unicyclists, or previous world champions.
Mensans may be a nice group; I have no idea. But using a test to determine intelligence is about as useless as asking whether a chef has gathered the proper of ingredients for a gourmet dish… the proof is in the baking, not a collection of foodstuffs.
Allow me to slightly modify your quote:
<I don’t think I could stomach hanging around a bunch of folks so fixated on their [UNICYCLES] they need to test [them], compare [them], join a club about it. >
Guess it all depends on the club, eh?
Oh, and did you mean: “deemphasized?”
And “It’s”.