Any Kris's Here?

Hey how many of you have the first name of Kris. I do it’s Kris Caughie!

I’m KRIStine… so I’m called Kris by a few people. Does that count?

i know a dude who lives in illinois named kris

I’m Kris…I usually post as danger_uni…

yah id guess that’d count

I like KRISpy Kreme donuts

YOU!! are a big fat liar…tsk tsk tsk

im a Kristian ( i know thats not spelled right; dont quote me and cry about it) but my name’s jon

anyways i have bigger problems like how do i put a short clip on here from a digital camera.

Hey me too!

My father-in-law works for them so I get free donuts all the time…not that that is a good thing :smiley:

Hahah I get them free too… when the light is on… yeah well I only need one but if I have more I’ve been known to eat as many as 8.

my favorite kind of a kripsy kreme donut is strawberry shortcake it’s hecka good.