Any Indiana unicyclists

Hi, i’m rather new to the sport. I’m looking for some other riders out there in the hoosier state to connect with and learn from. I’m a level 3 rider and really love to ride. I’m into muni and just all around unicycling. Thanks a lot guys and gals

AH HAA i am Evansville, Indiana im the only one exept my friend little bro but hes in 4th grade but yes i do live in indiana



Glad to see that i’m not the only one in this state who enjoys unicycling. I live in columbus, so i’m several hours north of you. What kind of unicycling are you interested in, also any interest on going to the North American unicycling convention next year. I enjoy muni alot although i haven’t done much. Thanks a lot, Matt

i like freestlye and street and some trials. when is the North Amercan Uni convention thing or whatever and where is it???


west lafayette

as in indiana lafayette??? if so dude im going and i dont care if have to walk/uni


west lafayette

I think west lafayette was just the place he was from. Hey west lafayette i use to go to purdue and i’m up there a lot. It would be great to meet some new unicyclists and learn some things. Good luck man. Take it easy

you to and hey do you know when it is


i’m not sure when the convention is or where it is. I don’t think it has been anounced yet.

yea there used to be this guy would unicycle to every class on campus

that would be pretty cool if it was you because ive always wanted to meet that guy

Re: west lafayette

damnit all my hopes and dreams have been demolished ive been tlkain about this for like 3 days with my firends about how the NAUC is gonna be like 3 hours away. not until now did i really read everyones post well did i relize that it wasnt gonna be there… i might just have to cry myself to sleep tonight


It could have been Brett “Bloodman” Bymaster, but he graduated several years ago. He is currently living in Iowa while his wife goes to school.

Brett was around in the early days of MUni here in unicycle-internet-land, and helped organize the first MUni Weekend. Then he missed pretty much every one after that…

Tommy Miller is in Kokomo. He knows more about building different kinds of unicycles than probably anybody in the world.

NAUCC (North American Unicycling Championships and Convention) will be in July in Bowling Green, OH. Not sure of the exact dates, but believe it will be somewhere around the 18-24. Don’t miss it.

i spend my summers in warsaw/ leesburg indiana