any girl unicyclists?

I’m in the process of learning how to ride, and am quite female. Not in a stupid “easter-bunny-throw-up pink skirt wearing catty overly makeuped” way, but in a “hey- those are without a doubt boobs on me” way. and even if McDonalds wasn’t crappy about thier ethics, thier food is still nasty.

Maybe hwo's that?  :roll_eyes:

Re: any girl unicyclists?

I personally know many girls who ride unicycles, among which my two daughters. None of them (of the many girls I mean, not only my daughters) post to these forums and AFAIK they don’t lurk either. My oldest daughter will perform on her unicycle tomorrow night for a paying audience.

Klaas Bil (male)

He is a French farmer who several years ago was arrested for hammering on the Golden Arches of a McDonald’s in France as a form of protest. He gained quite a lot of fame then and has since become an activist speaking out worldwide against globalization and genetically modified foods.

hey pissinlemonaid did you say you ride street? and if so how well??


Hm, sounds like a cool guy. :smiley:

You must be Lindsey Johnson, is it?

yes, i am lindsey johnson

Aha, hope to see you riding soon again! (especially pairs).


thanks! that’s nice of you to say, i appreciate it. although i am not riding pairs anymore although it was my favorite to do. colin and i no longer ride together for pairs. i still try to do some individual stuff and have started some muni stuff lately. so, we’ll see you around hopefully sometime!

girls who ride uni’s get hot points. that and playing guitar. those too i believe make a girl instantly hotter. so, sofar you girls are doing pretty well lol
…sry if offend any of you girls with my moderate flurting.
-robin (a guy)

wow. there must be a lot of lyndsey johnsons. I know one.

she doesn’t uni though.

I knew a Lyndon Johnson.Does that count?
I wonder if he rode???

There’s one girl in our university club learning to ride…

hey nice to see a girl i am learning to muni and otherwise can just ride around

I am female.


hahaha. lol

I’m not a girl anymore:(

I found that out the hard way. Really hard… :o