Any body here use "Skype"

I just found it today, and I love it, who ells loves it?

What a coincidence, I just found this today. What a great day to find things.

I use skype…and hvae been for about a year now…i love it add me as a frind if you want “smee56” and to everyone else out there GET IT it rocks…plus then we could have a unicyclist chat session

wow, that is a coincidence, what a small world -_-

What u posted as i was posting grr so what do you think of a huge unicyclist chat

interesting idea
but i cant find your sn, try adding me, im dumeca02

i believe mine is “pdougherty1”

I have a skype. I also have msn and aim. Hot mail is my aim is just wicked bob. I could start using skype if some people are using that, I also have a mic so we could set up a call since it is free. I belive my kype is wickedbob, how do you find out your own name? The adress my skype is under is

my skype is ronan.charlton.

Well we are starting to get more people using skype only a few more and then we can have a great big disscussion…

yeah. I think this is probably going to be better than the chatroom here. I’m on skype now if anybody wants to talk

skype is an important part of my life: that’s how I see my grandchildren every week since we do not live in the same country. (for sure I prefer really meeting them).
curiously I also use it in my office: other employees from my (big) corporation offered me a webcam so we could chat across borders.

anyone else use it?



if anyones interested