Anti-social behavior

i live next to a recreation ground, where it was someones dumb idea to build a shelter for “youths”. it is basically next to my garden. i have known for ages that they hide their beers and stuff in my hedge, and they go up there every weekend and get drunk.

well the other night, i was just about to get to sleep (11:30pm) when these kids started shouting and singing! that annoyed me, but i thought thed be gone in a few minutes, so i ignored them. half an hour later they were still shouting and singing, my neighbours were shouting back at them and it was generally very noisy. ten munites later (12:10) there was 3 police cars, 9 officers and some very unhappy residents patroling the street, there must have been at least 30 teenagars (all drunk) being guided away by the poilce, but they kept comming back. this went on for another half and hour! the police left at 1 in the morning. i thought “finally some peace” and what do i hear, the drunken teenagers were back shouting at each other from opposite sides of the field. by then i was pretty p****d off, so stuck my head under a pillow and got some sleep.

this happens every week end and its really annoying! i had ben up since 6:30 that morning and didnt get to sleep till gone 1 in the morning! now i cant be the only one that has to put up with this every weekend, and in a way its the polices fault because they are never here to deal with stuff like this, and we pay tax for them to do so. Is anyone else here effected by anti-social behavior? and this often!?

sorry about the spelling too

Steal their beer.

Id do that too. Drink it, or dump it all out, go recycle the glass bottles. Or break them somewhere where they will easily see.

remove the beer from the bottles into your belly then replace it with that same beer as it leaves your belly about half an hour later.

good idea! sounds like fun, and i have a thing for putting lids on beer bottled too commence evil laugh oh that would be funny.

similar experience

yer. i live on a street thats a pretty popular, un-policed route to center of the city for drunks and ‘gangsters’ etc. yeah I get paranoid. bottles through windows, people stealing the axe that i use to cut my fire wood!!! damn that annoys me.

rough neighbourhood eh? they havent got any of my weapons/tools yet. but bottles, oh theyre everywhere, windows, the veg patch, and i found a home made bong in my garden before!

Get a agressive dog, keep it for as long as it takes for them to get the message.

get a mosquito

hahaha. random bongs. i wouldnt call where i live a neighbourhood, im pretty much surrounded by businesses and companys. but rent is cheap so thats the price i pay for living here.

Then what are you complaining about?!:wink:


Ugh. This is the kind of crap that makes me hate society.

I hate teenagers.

I’d say go live somewere else, far, far away. But that’s probably not an option for you haha.

Throw water balloons at them?
Steal their beer for sure.

I hate it when people act like assholes in public. They give partiers a bad name.

So… you could have done that right away. You are not kept awake by the noise. You are kept awake by your angry reaction to the noise. Don’t let others control you.

During the summer, I often stay at a campground near the beach. I like the outdoors and I like the beach and boardwalk. So, it’s my happy place. The main thing that bothers me is when campers in nearby sites make noise until 2 or 3 in the morning. The tent doesn’t block out any noise, obviously. I can’t get to sleep, basically, until they decide that it’s okay for me to sleep (meaning, when they want to sleep). Then I have trouble waking up for my early morning Coker ride on the boardwalk. It pisses me off. People are so rude and inconsiderate. As a result, whenever I go from now on, I’m renting a cabin (between the walls and the A/C, it’s way better than a tent). No more “sleeping” in my tent. True story.

grape – Your situation sucks really bad because this is happening where you live. You can’t even get a good night’s sleep in your own home. That’s not right. But I do believe that you can solve the problem by controlling your reaction. All it takes is a different thought in your head. I can’t do it. But maybe you can. And hey, my friend – don’t do anything that will get you hurt. Remember, that’s a mob of people. Don’t piss off a mob. Especially a rowdy mob of teenagers that knows where you live. Mess with their stash and they will certainly retaliate, possibly by vandalizing your property when you are not home or sleeping. Stay safe. Sleep well. Good luck.

“The ages of adolescence vary by culture. Teenagers (ages 13-19) are usually defined as signifying adolescence.[1][8]”

^According to Wikipedia and you’re age information, you hate yourself…

You think you have it bad not even the deceased are safe from these teens.

You learn to live with that sort of noise on a college campus. The drunks are walking back all night yelling, screaming, and singing. I don’t even hear them anymore, unless I want to - sometimes their conversations are quite funny :).

Actually, last year I had another similar problem. My window was just above the loading dock for the cafeteria. Each morning I would wake up to the “Beep beep beep beep…” of the trucks backing in to unload at about 7:30am. A sound very similar to my alarm clock. After a couple weeks of it, I never woke up again.

I hate it when partiers act like as*holes in public. They give people a bad name.

I know people who live in an old folks road with no kids ever going near there, yet they still feel it nessisary to have one of those. Those things are for paranoid people. (an would anoy neighbors)