Anti-Bush comments only on this thread

I really admire the restraint shown by all the anti-Bush unicyclists on that other thread!! Let’s see if the pro-Bush people can show the same restraint:

NYTimes Frontpage; 3/4/05:

Bush Doesn’t Share Public’s Priorities, New Poll Indicates

Americans say President Bush does not share the priorities of most of the country on either domestic or foreign issues, are increasingly resistant to his proposal to revamp social security and say they are uneasy with Mr. Bush’s ability to make the right decisions about the retirement program, according to the latest NYTimes/CBS News poll…

My response: A bad fascist leader has a self-serving vision and advocates strongly for that vision. His vision comes from the fact that he has no compassion for 100,000 dead Iraqis, and that same lack of compassion for the people of the USA and the USA troops he needlessly puts in harm’s way. A bad fascist leader does not concern himself with what the little people think or want.

Again: No pro-Bush comments here!! Look elsewhere, and stay with your own people!!


BtheM: which are you pro or anti-Bush, or just stirring it up?

In fairness, though I’m as strongly anti-Bush as one can be, I must post the same comment here as I did there:

This thread is just like Bush’s campaign rallies and press conferences - with fear and avoidance of dissenting opinions.


Re: Anti-Bush comments only on this thread

I need a big butter knife to cut through that sarcasm…

Here’s what I don’t like about Bush. He took us to war on the basis of weapons of mass destruction and he needed to find them to back up his movement. He didn’t and by doing so he let a lot of people down.

Re: Re: Anti-Bush comments only on this thread

You’re saying that?!? “Let a lot of people down”? More like he left 100,000 Iraqis dead, 1500 US servicepeople dead, thousands more maimed.

Why do you like him, then? Huge tax cuts for the rich and the huge resultant deficits? Selling out science for religion? Selling out the environment for industry?

You’re a puzzle wrapped in an enigma, Zod.

"Four more years of George Bush will be like four more years of syphilis. Only a fool or a sucker would vote for a dangerous loser like Bush. He hates everything we stand for, and he knows we will vote against him in November.

I endorsed John Kerry a long time ago and I will do everything in my power, short of roaming the streets with a meat hammer, to help him be the next President of the United States."

yeah, nobody does campaign endorsements like
that anymore

Re: Re: Anti-Bush comments only on this thread

Good for you, Zod. I never knew you had it in you to say something bad about Bush (I won’t tell your neighbors…).

I guess you’re wishing he had the tactics of his former CIA Director father, who circumvented Congress to fight a war (Iran-Contra Scandal). If Bush had what his father had, the CIA would have planted those WMDs!!

But he doesn’t even have to pretend he’s right, with all the control he has today.


PS. Zod: I’ll let you ride my unicycle if you can come up with one more anti-Bush comment. :slight_smile:

Re: Re: Re: Anti-Bush comments only on this thread


You’re taunting Zod to respond to you on the wrong thread. That would only make him look bad, which would reflect on all the pro-Bush people.

Hopefully, Zod will let you know that you’ll find his response on the Pro-Bush thread…


“Hillbilly On One Wheel Team” (HOOT!!)

I meant games NIGHT, but I think you got the idea.

Canadians, Mexicans, and anyone else from North America can legitimately compete at NAUCC (North American Unicycling CC). Let’s see, the pro-Bush camp consists of Jethro, Bugman, Zod, John Childs and the rest of the “Hillbilly On One Wheel Team” (HOOT!!).

I’d say they don’t stand a chance at games night.


Re: Re: Re: Anti-Bush comments only on this thread

Listen, there’s PLENTY I don’t like about Bush…most of it would upset all you liberals though because it all has mainly to do with the fact that Bush is not conservative enough for my liking.

Gild -
Who are you quoting?

hunter s thompson
the link

takes u to the whole article

all i have to say is…RETARD

this is directed toward bush

Re: Re: Re: Re: Anti-Bush comments only on this thread

Zod, So I guess Bush let you down when he couldn’t pull off the plot to plant WMDs in Iraq?

I welcome you to bash Bush from either the left or right wing. Go ahead. I know. You think social security and medicare for the elderly and government pensions for government workers should be completely CUT. That any effort to save social security is too liberal.

Is his enforcement of drug laws a liberal idea, too, infringing on personal freedoms in order to create jobs for otherwise jobless prison guards?

I know your neighbors all have toxic meth labs next to the still (and the outhouse). :slight_smile:


I do not believe Bush is mentally handicapped, and people who are truly mentally retarded or disabled, though no fault of their own, should not be degraded by having their handicap used by you as an insult.


I much prefer a natural bush to a brazilian strip.

Oh have I got the wrong thread, sorry :smiley:

I’m with you, Steveyo, and started a new thread about this: “Disability…”


I’m a libertarian with an twelve year dilemma on my hands. I am very pro ACLU and NRA. It REALLY frightened me when Clinton publically made overtures to “finding a way around the constitution” by avoiding the fourth ammendment so he could randomly search the Chicago projects for drugs and weapons. Fortunately, he was publically scolded by the supreme court for doing so. He was also overtly anti second ammendment which is a trend that those who do not care about their civil rights tend to ignore.

I voted for Bush for his first term on the basis that the libertarian candidate would have no chance. I needed to see the bill of rights protected. I traded my principles for results. Now, what the Clinton administration threatened to do, the Bush administration is actually doing with the “Patriot” act. I went back to the libertarian impotent vote for Bush’s second term.

We, the people, are protected by the bill of rights which has been seriously threatened and has deteriorated under several previous administrations. But it has been trampled on more by the current administration than any other I can can think of. That is OUR part of the constitution. Read it and think about how much it has been compromised for our “protection” over the last few decades. Without YOUR part of the constitution intact, why would you care at all about the rest of it?

Don’t libertarians want to legalize all drugs???

If you;re going to bash Bush, don’t be shy. Think about it, Harper. are you really any less free than you were 4 years ago?

How has Bush trampled on the Bill of Rights? My copy doesn’t have any foot prints on it (just one tire track, from Zod riding across it) :slight_smile:


PS: I’d love to see your response to this thread: Disability: TABs and TAMs can learn respect.

Can you imagine how bumpy sidewalk unicycling would be without curb cuts at each cross walk? You have disability activists to thank for that.

Miss you!



Since when is a semi-colon an acceptable substitute for an apostrophe? I don’t want to bash Bush. I’m not shy. I am less free than I was four years ago.

I think I might have said the “Bush administration” but I’ll leave that bit of complicated forum research up to you. The Patriot Act, which violated the fourth amendment even further than it already has been, was implemented during the Bush administration.

This is unclear. Whose response do you want to see? What are TABs and TAMs?